Chapter 11 - Hateno and Lurelin Villages

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Link woke next morning with Mipha next to him. She was using her healing power on some minor scratches and bruises he had suffered in the ambush.

"You certainly slept well," she said. "I hope I didn't wake you, but I noticed some injuries I missed last time."

He reached over and hugged her.

"Waking next to you is like starting a new dream," said Link. "You can wake me anytime."

"Well aren't you the sweet and poetic one," Mipha laughed. "I hope I'm not in another time travel paradox with a third you."

"No – sorry to disappoint, " said Link. "You're still stuck with me."

"That's good, " she said. "I'd hate to have to start training you all over again. Speaking of training," she smiled.

Afterward, they got up, freshened up and ate a light breakfast. Link got ready for his meeting.

"Mipha, why don't you relax in Zelkoa Pond while I meet with the mayor," said Link. "The pond is right behind the inn, and the mayor's house is right next door. I don't think my meeting will last very long and I'll come right back."

"That sounds fine," said Mipha. "I need some water relaxation."

Hateno Village was a quiet farming community, and life there was slow. He went off to see the mayor. As he expected, the meeting didn't last too long. The mayor seemed more honored to meet him than to conduct business. Link explained his goals and the mayor agreed to provide his support.

After the meeting, he strolled past the newer developments where he had lived in the other timeline, but there was only a dull house to see there now. It may well have been the one he remembered they were tearing down. Then he wandered back to the main street. The Kochi Dye Shop was still there if still was the right word. A family member must manage it and have passed it down to a descendant since it had the same name. He was getting a bit bored with Hateno Village and was eager to move on. Had Dr. Purah been here at the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab he would have visited her. But she was still at Hyrule Castle. He walked back to Zelkoa Pond. Mipha was relaxing in the water.

"Come in the water," said Mipha. "It's very relaxing."

"I think I will," said Link. He undressed down to his shorts, waded into the pool and then over to her. She grabbed his hand, and he floated next to her.

"I like this," said Mipha. "And I can't wait to get to Lurelin Village."

"Speaking of that, I have a little surprise for you," said Link. "I know how hard this overland travel has been for you. I've arranged with the mayor to travel to Lurelin by boat. The boat will take us from Hateno Beach all the way to Lurelin Village. It should be safer and more relaxing."

"That's wonderful," said Mipha. "But I have a surprise for you too. I had a message from our father while you were out. He is sending four members of the Zora Royal Guard to stay with us the rest of the way and relieve the Hylian guards. He learned of the Yiga Clan attack on us and was pretty upset. Since we will be traveling in or near water from now on, he insisted on sending Zora guards."

"That makes sense," said Link. "But I don't want the Hylian Guards to get in any trouble. I'll write up a report of my own to include with Lieutenant Gadlin's so Zelda won't overreact. She can be pretty rough even when she's kidding around. When do the Zora guards get here?"

"Early this afternoon. We can leave for Lurelin right afterward. Now let's relax," said Mipha, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Did I ever tell you I love water?" she said, closing her eyes.

"Really? I would never have guessed," said Link, closing his.

Laying in the pond together was a relaxing way to spend the rest of the morning, he thought.

Afterward, Link discussed the new travel plans with Lieutenant Gadlin and gave him a copy of his report. He told him to be sure to include it with his own. Gadlin thanked him and said the injured guard had recovered well and would be able to travel back with them tomorrow morning, which was good news.

"I'm sorry you won't get to visit Lurelin Village with us," said Link. "But I can understand King Dorephan is concerned about his daughter and wants his people to look after her, particularly as the rest of our trip will be largely over water."

"I completely understand, sir, and that makes sense. There are no hard feelings," said Gadlin. "I apologize for letting Princess Mipha and yourself be put in harm's way, but am glad it all ended well for you. Please enjoy the rest of your trip and thank-you for writing a favorable report on the incident. I hope, sir, to see you again sometime in Hyrule Castle."

The Zora guards arrived and presented themselves to Lady Mipha. It was time to leave. The walk to the beach was a bit long, but the weather was pleasant. Finally, they boarded the boat and began the trip. They would head south hugging the coastline, curve around Soka Point, and then turn north past Korne Beach into Lurelin Village.

"This and swimming are the only way to travel," Mipha said. "Isn't this better than riding horses everywhere?"

"It's better if you can do it," said Link. "Unfortunately there are a lot of places you can't."

Next morning the boat docked at Lurelin Village, and everyone went ashore. Link again took care of business quickly. There wasn't anyone here he needed to spend much time with. Now they could relax and enjoy the location.

He sat with Mipha on the beach, their arms around each other. The onshore wind blew the palm trees with a rustling sound, and that nicely complemented the gentle rhythmic splash of waves rolling onto shore. Little red and green crabs scurried across the sand. It was one of those moments you needn't say anything: merely lean back and enjoy.

When they got hungry, fresh fish was readily available right on the beach. And the swimming was excellent. Mipha didn't get much opportunity to swim in the ocean, and this was great fun for her. Lurelin Village was their favorite vacation spot. They took an extra day off to enjoy themselves, but then it was time to head back to the Domain.

They planned to take a ship from Lurelin Village north along the coast and then finally head west into Lanayru Bay. Then they would trek across Samasa Plain and back into the Domain. It should be a pleasant trip.

On their last night in Lurelin Village, Mipha and Link lay together at the inn listening to the sound of the waves.

"Do you remember our honeymoon here?" Link asked. "I thought it was so romantic."

"Did we honeymoon here?" said Mipha.

"I guess I didn't impress you very much!" Link said.

She reached for him and put her arm around him. "You did, and you still do. You've made me very happy," said Mipha.

The next morning they boarded the ship and were underway. Mipha and Link sat together on the deck.

"Link, I've been doing some thinking," said Mipha. "Perhaps you're right. It might be time we begin to start a family when we get home."

"That would be wonderful!" said Link. "Are you sure you're ready?"

"I'm pretty sure," said Mipha. "I was anxious something would happen during the Yiga Clan attack, and I would regret not doing this. Also, your comment about aging faster than Zoras bothered me, especially if we have any Zora children. I'd like you to see them grow up as much as possible. So yes, I'm ready."

Link put his arm around her, and they kissed. The only other sound was the waves lapping gently against the boat. It had been a long trip. He couldn't wait to get back home.

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