Chapter 131 - Luminous Stones

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Summary: Princess Zelda gives birth to Prince Horwell. Mipha and Link share a quiet afternoon and evening on Ruta. Someone is collecting Luminous Stones, but to what end?

Luminous Stone (noun): a mysterious mineral that gives off a pale blue glow in the dark, which some believe to be the souls of the dead. - The Royal Hylian Dictionary.

"Would you like to hold him again, Mother?" said Princess Zelda.

"I'd love to, sweetheart," said Queen Zelda as she gently took the baby boy from her daughter and cradled him in her arms.

"He's so adorable! He has your eyes, Zelda!" said Queen Zelda as she looked at him, and the baby stared back at her. "I'm so happy for you both. And Horwell is a nice dignified name for a future King of Hyrule. Are you feeling all right, sweetheart?"

"Yes, Mother, the Royal Physician has been an enormous help," said Princess Zelda.

"I'm so excited, and I feel like my life has a whole new purpose now," said Randall.

"Your little boy will fill your life and keep you both busy," said Queen Zelda as she gazed down at him in her arms. "But let me know whenever you need help."

"He's so small!" said Astra as she peeked at him. "But he's adorable, Zel, really cute!"

"Thank you, sweetheart," said Zelda. "We're counting on you to be a wonderful aunt to him."

"Wow! I never thought of that, Sis," said Astra. "I always think of aunts as old."

"To little Horwell, you will seem old," laughed Princess Zelda.

"Here, I think our little Prince needs his mother back now," said Queen Zelda.

The baby had started to fuss, and Queen Zelda handed him back to Zelda.

"I think he's getting hungry again," said Princess Zelda.

"A good appetite is a healthy sign, sweetheart. Come, Astra. We'll leave you in peace then," said Queen Zelda. "But seriously, let me know if I can help."

"We will, Mother, and thank you," said Princess Zelda.

Astra and Zelda began walking back to their part of the residence wing.

"What are your plans on your day off, sweetheart?"

"My friends Rayna and Fiona are coming over for lunch and to play in the park," said Astra. "I already arranged it with the Royal Guards."

"All right, that's fine," said Queen Zelda. "It's a beautiful day, so have fun with your friends. But stay out of trouble, okay?"

"Of course, Mom," said Astra.

They hugged and kissed, then Astra ran off to meet her friends and the two Royal Guards who would keep an eye on all of them.

Queen Zelda returned to her office, took out her Tab, and looked at her schedule. She had a meeting with the Minister of Transportation in an hour. It would have been her daughter's meeting, but she was handling all the meetings again while Zelda recovered. She didn't mind, as she liked keeping busy. And she was interested to learn how much progress they had made on air travel.

After the meeting with the minister, she had her weekly Tab call with the five ambassadors. She enjoyed the ambassador meetings as it was a chance to learn what was happening in the far corners of her kingdom. She scanned her messages next, and aside from a host of congratulatory messages about the birth of her grandson, there were only a few of any importance. She dashed off responses to those, then waited for the Transportation Minister to arrive.

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