Chapter 16 - Yiga Clan Plot

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Summary: A Yiga Clan plot disrupts Link's and Mipha's life together, distressing Mipha as they are about to start a family.

It was early evening, and Mipha and Link had just finished dinner. There were three weeks to go before Mipha would lay the two eggs she was carrying, and they were discussing names for their children. They were both surprised by a knock on the door.

"Who can that be?" asked Mipha.

Link got up, opened the door, and found a Zora guard standing there.

"Link, His Majesty needs to see you at once. It is a matter of some urgency," said the guard.

"Alright," said Link. "Mipha, I'll be back as soon as I can, and let you know what this is all about."

He followed the guard to King Dorephan's throne room.

"Link, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I have some distressing news. A few days ago, the Gerudo intercepted a Yiga Clan message without the Yiga Clan realizing it. The Gerudo could not decode it but sent it to Impa in Kakariko Village. Impa was able to decipher the message, and it contained details of a Yiga Clan plan to attack Gerudo Town in force in one week. Upon learning this, Lady Urbosa appealed to King Rhoam for aid, and he, in turn, has sought aid from the other kingdoms, including the Champions. As you know, Zoras cannot survive in the desert, so I cannot offer any assistance. But they have requested your help."

"I see," said Link.

"As Mipha's father, I would prefer you not to go. And I fear Mipha will take this news very badly. But I believe it is my duty and yours to comply with King Rhoam's request," said King Dorephan.

"Yes, I can understand that," said Link. "When would I need to leave?"

"I'm afraid you will need to leave this evening," said King Rhoam. "The plan is to assemble secretly in Gerudo Town. You will need to travel discreetly. We have arranged a boat for you to help with the first part of your journey."

"Alright," Link said. "I will go home and let Mipha know."

He started to walk home, wondering how to break this terrible news to her.

Mipha was worried by Link's unexpected summons from her father and was pacing back and forth, waiting anxiously for his return. She could tell from the look on his face that the news was not good.

"Mipha, I am being asked to help defend Gerudo Town from an upcoming Yiga Clan attack. King Rhoam has requested all the Champions assemble there secretly. Of course, as a Zora, you cannot go to the desert. I am supposed to leave this evening," said Link.

Mipha's hands flew to her mouth, and she gasped as she heard this.

"No, no, no," she cried. "You can't do this! You have a family now. Your first loyalty is to our Royal Family, not King Rhoam. I must speak to my father."

There was no stopping her now, so he let her leave. In the meantime, he started to gather his armor and weapons.

Mipha rushed to the throne room. King Dorephan had been expecting her.

"Father, what is this about Link having to defend Gerudo Town?" said Mipha. "You need to keep Link here with his family. His first loyalty is to us, not King Rhoam or the Gerudo. His children will hatch in less than a month. How can you send him away into battle now?"

"Mipha, I am so sorry about this," said King Dorephan. "In my heart, I want him to stay here with you. But I cannot in good conscience refuse King Rhoam's request. Think, for example, if the circumstances were reversed? If Link was King Rhoam's son-in-law, and our Domain came under attack, and I appealed to King Rhoam for assistance, don't you think he would send Link to our aid? I believe he would."

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