Chapter 103 - Remembrances

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Summary: A chapter of memories. At Mila's suggestion, Link begins work completing some old journal entries. Mipha and Link spend a day together and reminisce as well.

A light rain was falling in the morning at Zora's Domain as Mila joined Link in the dining room of their house on Mikau Lake. It was the day after the weekend family visit and five days before Astra's birthday party at Hyrule Castle.

"Good morning to my favorite Dad," said Mila as she hugged him. "Don't tell me Mom is out again?"

"Good morning, sweetheart. Yes, she had an early meeting," said Link. "But she left fresh fish for all of us in the kitchen. And believe it or not, Midon is already up and out as well. He said he had an early meeting by Tab and wanted to take it by the lake."

"Wow! That's rare! But it figures he would take his work to the lake," said Mila. "You already ate, Dad?"

"Yes, but I'll keep you company," said Link as he sat at the dining room table, and Mila returned from the kitchen with her fish.

"Still doing book lectures?" said Link.

"Some, but they're down to a trickle," said Mila. "Everyone interested has already reached out to me by now."

"Well, you should be very proud of the work you did," said Link. "Do you have another project to work on?"

Mila swallowed another bite of fish.

"You know, Dad, I was thinking that this might be a good time for you to start organizing the rest of your journal for publication. You have some free time now, and so do I. I can help you with it."

"Do you think so?" said Link. "I've already organized a great deal of it, but there are still parts I never finished. I've never been sure it was worth all the effort. How many people still care about my life story with Mom? People may remember us for what we did, but that was over thirty years ago now. And Hyrule history books cover what happened during the Calamity in much better detail than I could ever write about it."

"You and Mom are important people, and you've done a good deal many more heroic deeds than your victory over the Calamity," said Mila. "But I'm talking about your personal story, not the history of Hyrule. Your life story will be of interest to readers, and I think it's certainly worth the effort."

Mila paused to take another bite of fish.

"I know what you're thinking," said Mila after swallowing. "I'm not implying your and Mom's life story is over, far from it. It's just that this might be a good time for me to work on it with you. I don't have a family of my own yet, and I can help you."

"Oh, I see what you mean," said Link. "Maybe I should start going over my notes."

Link hadn't thought about Mila having her own family. Were she and his Zora children growing up that fast too? She wasn't even thirty yet.

"You really should, Dad," said Mila. "I remember you staying up late at night to catch up on your writing. You put a lot of effort into your journal, and all of it deserves to be published. I also promised to help Mom organize her writing, but we have plenty of time for that."

"You know, I only started keeping a journal to help sort out my memories, to keep track of events I learned of and put them in the proper order," said Link. "Then I just continued the practice, and I'm glad I did. I only wish we had Tabs back then to record all of you growing up. I love that family picture Purah took when you were about fifteen."

"Yes, and you were what, eighteen again then? That was over fourteen years ago now. Well, I need to get to class now," said Mila after finishing her fish. "See you later, Dad. And please think about what I said."

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