Chapter 106 - Memory Therapy

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Chapter Summary: As promised, Link pays a visit to Daruk in Goron City, and they share some memories. Mipha begins training Sidon to take over as Ruta pilot. Princess Zelda shares her feelings for Randall with her mother.

It was morning in Zora's Domain, and Mipha finished reading some reports on Domain activity while Link finished breakfast in the kitchen. She had been using headphones to listen to some Zora music stored on her Tab, and the music was romantic. It made her think back to some of the many happy moments she and Link had shared as husband and wife. And there were so many such moments to remember, from their honeymoon to his time as a Zora and their anniversary trips. She loved him so much!

But then her thoughts came back to the incident in the Applean Forest with Sopha, and that completely ruined her mood. How could Link, the hero of Hyrule, put himself in a position where his life depended on a six-year-old? He was growing careless about his safety, and she didn't like that. Moreover, he was too neglectful of technology advances that could have aided him. And then the thought of what might have happened to Link made her feel so very empty inside. How could he do that to her? He needed to take better care of himself! She turned off the music as Link joined her.

"I think I have everything I need," said Link, having finished breakfast and preparing to depart Zora's Domain for Goron City.

"If not, can you try to remember that we have a Compendium Rune now? You can create simple items you need if you forgot something," said Mipha. "Honestly, Link, you need to adapt to new technology. It's important!"

"I'm sorry, you're right. Old habits die hard as they say."

"I don't like that expression, 'die-hard.' I thoroughly hate it and hearing it upsets me. You know, if you had your wits about you, you could have sent a mental message through your Tab as soon as Sopha attacked you, and help could have reached you much sooner. When I think about it, how close you were to being killed, I'm furious with you!"

"I'm sorry I didn't think of it," said Link. "Can't we move on? Are you in a bad mood or something? You were fine with Zelda at the Castle, but today you're upset with me?"

"If I'm in a bad mood, it's because you put me in one. Don't you dare try to blame me!"

"I'm not, and I don't, or I won't, whatever the right word is," said Link, getting flustered by her reaction.

"You need to stay alert and look out for yourself like you used to," said Mipha. "You've gotten way too complacent and don't anticipate danger soon enough."

"Maybe I'm getting..." Link began to say, but Mipha cut him off.

"You're not getting old! You're only 32!"

"I was going to say I'm getting too used to a peaceful Hyrule," said Link. "I agree with everything you're saying, sweetheart. Please try to calm down."

Mipha thought for a moment, then did calm down.

"I don't like you going off by yourself," said Mipha finally. "But Father doesn't want me traveling right now. Promise me you'll stay safe?"

"Of course, I will. It's just that I promised Daruk I would visit him. He's messaged me three times about it already, and I don't want to keep putting him off. I need to keep my word."

"And you just promised me to be safe, so remember to keep that word, too."

"I will, sweetheart, don't worry," said Link. "Kiss? I love you."

"I love you, too," said Mipha as they embraced and kissed. "That's my problem. I love you too much. I can't stand the thought of any harm coming to you."

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