Chapter 36 - The Voice of My Enemy

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Summary: Life goes on in Zora's Domain, but the voice on a Yiga Clan recording yields a clue about an enemy.

"Okay, let's try it again," said Link as Sidon practiced parrying Link's sword attack with a Zora spear. Zoras typically relied almost exclusively on spears for offense and defense. Link had explained how to shift position depending on the angle of attack and quickly thrust back with the other hand after blocking. Then they practiced carrying it out. They alternated sessions each day between spear handling, archery and spear throwing. Sidon was making excellent progress, Link thought. He was an earnest and determined student, the attack on his father likely motivating him. Sidon did not want to feel helpless should another attack ever take place. After a while Link could see Sidon was tiring and it was time to call it a day. It was almost evening.

"I think that's enough for today," said Link. "You're doing very well, Sidon. We should start practicing spear against spear combat soon. And when you have time, you can also do some target practice on your own with your bow. Being able to aim quickly and get off an accurate shot is sometimes critical. But let's go home now. I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry!"

"Thanks, Bro," said Sidon. "I appreciate the lessons, and I am feeling more confident now. But I know I still have a long way to go. And I'm pretty hungry too!"

They headed back across the Great Zora Bridge as Sidon's bodyguard tailed along behind them until they were safely back in the Domain. They were acknowledged by the two guards on duty at the end of the bridge. Then they proceeded through the plaza and up one level to where the slumber pools lay. As they neared the stairs to the throne room, one of the Royal Guards named Fandon at the foot of the stairway spoke up.

"Good evening, Your Highness and Link," said Fandon. "Her Majesty is in a meeting right now. But if your needs are urgent, you can interrupt."

"No, thank you, Fandon," said Link. "Not urgent. Just getting hungry. We can wait."

"Shall I have someone find you when the meeting is over?" asked Fandon.

"Just give us a shout If it's not too much trouble," said Link. "We'll be relaxing in one of the pools here."

So, he and Sidon waited in one of the pools. The water temperature was comfortable, and the water was kept clean through underwater circulation with the fresh water that flowed through the Domain. Link closed his eyes as he floated in the water and relaxed. He was tired too. Besides training Sidon, Link had been pushing himself with his own personal training each morning. He was not quite so fanatical about it as the days after the sword first chose him, but he pushed himself hard. Link practiced what he could on his own, and sometimes he would ask one of the more experienced Zora guards to duel with him. It was selfish of him to think so, but sometimes he regretted the lack of a Lynel on Ploymus Mountain. Those were exciting battles, he thought. He must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing he heard was Sidon calling him.

"Bro, bro, wake up," said Sidon, standing alongside the pool. "Sis is done with her meeting, and we can see her now."

"Sorry, I must be more tired than I thought," said Link. He climbed out of the pool and walked with Sidon to the throne room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," said Mipha when she saw them. "Fandon told me you were looking for me earlier."

"Just getting hungry," said Link. "You free to eat now?"

"Very much so," said Mipha. "My meeting with the Gerudo Ambassador went long. Urbosa's been very thoughtful about sending me advice through her. Anyway, let me get us all some food."

At the insistence of the Royal Guard, security had been increased, and there were more guards on duty at all times now, including two in the throne room itself. Mipha signaled to one of them.

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