Chapter 94 - Love of the North

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Summary: Astra spends time in Zora's Domain. Midon is busy dealing with rune rollout issues as Lapha spends time at home with her parents. Tila and young Link spend their honeymoon at Coral Cove. Clone Sopha resumes her life in North Hyrule while Sopha remains undetected in Hyrule proper.

It was early morning in Zora's Domain three days after Tila and young Link's wedding. Mipha awoke first and turned to see Link floating peacefully next to her, still sound asleep. She took a moment to look at him. He was older now, not quite the teenager she had married. And that was hardly unexpected, she thought, given how quickly Hylians age.

That got her thinking about ages. Given Link's use of Purah's anti-aging rune, Link was about 31 years old now. Without the rune, he would have been about 45 like Queen Zelda. No wonder Astra had been a surprise to Zelda! But perhaps Zelda had used the rune as well. She looked younger than 45, Mipha thought, though judging Hylian ages was always tricky.

Anyway, Link was still quite handsome and kept himself in top shape. He never relaxed his training. When she asked him about it, he said as long as he held the sword that seals the darkness, he had an obligation to Hylia to be prepared to wield it to the best of his ability. And he was still arguably the best swordsman in all of Hyrule.

But more importantly, he was the best and most loving husband she could ever have wished for. They sometimes teased each other, her more than him. But if there was one thing that was true above all else, it was that she loved him with all her heart. She had done so for over thirty years now, and she would never stop, no matter how old he was.

Link stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes to find Mipha staring at him. She smiled, and he smiled back.

"You're the most beautiful sight in Hyrule to wake up to," said Link as he reached for her and pulled her close. Then they kissed.

"That's a wonderful start to the day, sweetheart," said Mipha as she stroked his hair.

"What were you thinking about when you were looking at me?" said Link as he held her in his arms.

"The passage of time," said Mipha.

"Really?" said Link. "Am I getting too old? You look the same as ever, but you never used to like talking about that."

"I still don't," said Mipha. "But it's staring us in the face. Our children are grown and starting to move away from home. Lapha is almost 19 years old, Mila and Midon 27. Soon it will just be the two of us here, as it was at the beginning. And that's fine. It's been a wonderful journey together."

"Now who's getting sentimental? Stop talking as if our journey is over," said Link as he stroked her gently across her forehead. "We are both still young and have a lot of years ahead of us, Hylia willing."

"Yes, I know," said Mipha. "But they will be different kinds of years. Still good, just different. Let's get up. I'll catch fresh fish for everyone."

Mipha made her way to the water and Link to the kitchen. A few moments later, Mila joined Link.

"Good Morning, Dad," said Mila. "Where's Mom?"

"Catching fish for all of us," said Link getting a pot ready.

"Nice!" said Mila. "You still need to cook yours?"

"Yes," said Link. "As a Hylian, I just can't handle it raw."

Midon and Lapha arrived a few moments later, and shortly after that, Mipha returned with the fish.

"I caught enough fish for all of us," said Mipha. "And, you're welcome."

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