Chapter 135 - Like Father Like Son

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Summary: Impa's son, Palan, having completed his Kaishi trial, embarks on a mission for Zelda that turns out to be riskier than expected. Mipha and Link do some virtual training together.

It was morning in Hyrule Castle, and Queen Zelda was waiting for her older daughter to join her in her office. When she entered, they embraced, then both sat down.

"Horwell is fine, sweetheart?" asked Queen Zelda.

"Yes, he's fine and getting big," said Princess Zelda. "I want to thank you again, Mother, for handling so much of the work and giving me the time to spend with him."

"I was happy to see you have that special time to spend with your baby, sweetheart," said Queen Zelda. "It's important for both of you."

"But now that he's older, I feel I should resume my regular duties," said Princess Zelda. "I've read the minutes of all the meetings I missed, so I feel caught up on recent events. In going over the meeting notes, I would think a pressing matter is the mystery of the Luminous Stones."

"That's true. Go on," said Queen Zelda.

"I believe we need to learn why someone is collecting them," said Princess Zelda.

"Agreed, but what is your plan?" said Queen Zelda. "Whom would you send, and where would you send them?"

Princess Zelda paused for a moment to think.

"I am not sure where, but as to whom, the older Link is the first person who comes to mind," said Princess Zelda. "He's still the hero of Hyrule and has the most experience."

"Yes, he generally comes to my mind, too," said Queen Zelda. "But I don't think he's the best choice for this mission. Besides, he and Mipha are a team now, and if we ask one to go, the other will go too. I would rather not draw on their considerable talents at this point. Think more about the mission, and what are the attributes of the person we need?"

Princess Zelda thought for another moment.

"I would think stealth is important," said Princess Zelda. "Ideally, we would learn what we need to without alerting our enemy if there is one. And combat ability would be beneficial in case they're discovered."

"Exactly!" said Queen Zelda. "So, who comes to mind?"

"The Sheikah?" said Princess Zelda.

"Yes, the Sheikah," said Queen Zelda. "We need to catch whoever is collecting Luminous Stones in the act. But we don't want to give away that we know what is happening, like posting guards around Luminous Stones."

"Of course," said Princess Zelda.

"As to where do you remember that the Rito reported the Luminous Stones near the Spring of Courage have still not been harvested?" said Queen Zelda. "I recommend sending someone to hide there and see what they learn should anyone come to collect them. We might also do the same thing for the uncollected stones near the Great Fairy Fountain in the Tabantha Frontier. Though concealment there is more difficult, and I would think anyone with evil intent might be reluctant to travel too close to a Great Fairy."

"Yes, that makes sense, Mother," said Princess Zelda. "I see now that sending Link and Mipha would be a waste of their talents. Thank you for walking me through your thinking on this."

"You're doing fine, sweetheart," said Queen Zelda as she smiled at her. "I'm certain you will make a fine ruler when the time comes."

"May that day be long in coming, Mother," said Princess Zelda. "And with you being so young again, I expect all the more that to be true."

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