Chapter 90 - Tila and Link

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Summary: Link proposes to Tila during his visit to North Hyrule, and everyone else adjusts to the new reality.

It was several days later in Zora's Domain, and Mipha had waited for Mila and Lapha to return from North Hyrule before she discussed young Link's situation at their family dinner.

"You're serious? Our little brother is getting married?" exclaimed Midon after Mipha conveyed the gist of her conversation with young Link.

"Yes, he is, Midon," said Mipha. "I've spoken to him, and I support him. He says he and Tila love each other, and I believe it. In the end, that's what's important. They can work through anything if they keep their love for each other first in their hearts and minds."

"Wow, thanks to my brother and Kendal, all the young men here will be broken-hearted," said Midon.

"Very funny, Midon," said Mila. "Aren't you getting a little full in the fin for such juvenile humor? You're not in school anymore."

"Sorry, Mila," said Midon. "I just couldn't fight the current on that one."

"It is pretty sudden, though, isn't it, Mom?" said Lapha. "I mean, he is still young, and have they been dating long enough? Do they know each other that well?"

"It comes back partly to our sense of time, Lapha," said Mipha. "For us, five years is not all that much. To a Hylian, it's a pretty long time, especially when you're young."

"Tila has been head over fins for Link almost since the day they met," said Mila. "The rest of you don't know her as well as I do. I believe Tila loves him, and she will be very good to our brother. And I know what a kind and sensitive person our brother is. I believe he loves her and will be good to her too."

"You've been very quiet, Dad," said Lapha. "What do you think?"

"I agree with Mom," said Link. "And don't all laugh, thinking that's the safe answer at home. I really do agree with her. It is different for a Hylian. If they are in love with each other and want to marry and have a family, well, there is no point in waiting too long either."

"I guess we all hope Link understands that marriage is a pretty serious step, a lifetime commitment. It's not like dating," said Midon. "And marrying someone from North Hyrule? That could make it even more difficult. They have their own customs and such."

"They are not that much different from us, Midon," said Mila. "Your friends shook like jellyfish whenever Tila swam by, so it didn't seem to bother them she was not from here. And I am writing about North Hyrule history, so I should know how much alike we are."

"Is this a sure thing? Link hasn't asked her yet, right? Is there any chance Tila will say 'no'?" said Lapha.

"Not a chance she will turn him down, Laff," said Mila. "And I have that on excellent authority."

"She Tabbed you about it herself?" said Lapha. "Are you going to tell Link?"

"No, definitely not! And none of you better either! She asked me not to, and I don't want to ruin this once in a lifetime moment for the two of them," said Mila. "But she is so excited and happy she had to tell me. I hope all of you respect her wishes."

The morning of the next day, an impatient Astra was in Princess Zelda's room at Hyrule Castle.

"Can we go to the park now? What's taking you so long, Zel?" said Astra.

"Just give me another minute, sweetheart," said Princess Zelda fixing her hair. "I'm almost ready. I asked Link to join us, and he is meeting us at the entrance. Mother feels better having a guard with us, even around the castle."

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