Chapter 27 - Zelda's Wedding

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Summary: Princess Zelda marries Link's cousin Rudin.

The children were in school, and Mipha and Link were cleaning up from breakfast when a letter arrived. It was addressed to Her Royal Highness Princess Mipha and Sir Link and bore the Hyrule Royal Insignia.

"My name's first, so I get to open it," teased Mipha.

"Okay, and if your title were any longer, they would need a bigger envelope," said Link.

"Jealous?" said Mipha. She tore open the envelope, removed the card, and started reading.

"Holy Hylia!" said Mipha. "Zelda is getting married, and we're invited. And she wants you to speak at the reception." She handed the card to Link.

The formal part of the invitation said King Rhoam was requesting the honor of their presence to the marriage of his daughter Zelda to Rudin, then gave the date and location: Hyrule Castle, of course, and in one month's time. There was a small handwritten note from Zelda at the bottom.

Dear Mipha and Link,

I hope you both will come and, Link, I would appreciate your saying a few words at the reception. It will also be an opportunity for Link and his cousin Rudin to catch up. And please do not get me a gift. My gift will be to see you there.


"So, things did work out with my cousin after all," said Link.

"Yes, the officer she met awarding the Hyrule swordsmanship competition medal, who also happens to be a blood relative of yours, apparently made good," said Mipha. "Of course, we're going."

"I'm sure I met my cousin when we were children, but I don't remember," said Link. "From what I learned, my grandfather on my father's side had two sons. My father was the older of the two, and he had one son, me. My uncle had a son and a daughter named Rudin and Lara. Both my father and uncle died in battle at some point. Rudin is a year younger than me and Lara three years younger. That's all I know."

"Well, it's interesting that Zelda is marrying someone in your bloodline, at least," said Mipha.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to meeting my relatives. But you know how nervous I get speaking in public. I'll need to prepare the speech. And when I get there, I can't wait for that part to be over so I can relax and enjoy myself," said Link.

"Don't be nervous, sweetheart," said Mipha. "You'll only be speaking in front of the most important people in Hyrule."

"Remind me to never look to you for sympathy!" said Link. "Why can't you upgrade your healing power to include nervousness?"

"Even if I could, it's more fun to watch the Hero of Hyrule being so nervous," said Mipha. "You'll charge ahead fearlessly against a Lynel but stand terrified in front of an audience. You're so cute when you're like that. By the way, what are you going to wear?"

"I was thinking the Zora armor set. I belong here now, and I should show that."

"Good answer," said Mipha. "And it will go well with my Zora headdress and the beautiful sapphire pendant you gave me for our first anniversary. I'm also looking forward to some shopping in Castle Town while we're there. And as much as I love the children, it will be nice for you and me to be together without them for a bit. Father loves watching them, and Sidon can play with them. So, I think everyone will be happy."

"Are we sure father is not invited too?" said Link.

"That's a good question," said Mipha. "He and King Rhoam are friends for a long time. But I doubt he will attend even if invited."

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