Chapter 104 - Birthday Surprises

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Summary: Princess Astra turns six years old and celebrates with her family and friends. Mipha's feelings get the better of her, and she shares Astra's surprising heritage with her father. Sopha finally makes her move, with unexpected consequences.

It was evening at Hyrule Castle, and Princess Zelda had just finished telling her sister Astra a long bedtime story as they lay in bed together.

"That was the best story, Zel!" said Astra. "Did all of that really happen?"

"Yes, we believe so," said Princess Zelda. "A very long time ago now."

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" said Astra as she turned to Zelda and put her arm around her.

"Of course, sweetheart," said Princess Zelda as they hugged each other. "I hope my story didn't scare you. But tomorrow is your birthday! Isn't that exciting?"

Astra snuggled with Zelda and closed her eyes.

"I know! I can hardly wait! I'm not scared of the story, and I loved the adventure. And I love you, Zel. You're the best sister!" said Astra.

"I love you, too, Astra," said Princess Zelda as she kissed her sister on the forehead. "Sweet dreams."

After a few minutes, Astra was fast asleep. Zelda gently got up, covered Astra with a blanket, and quietly left the room.

"Our birthday girl is still sleeping?" said Queen Zelda next morning. "Did you keep her up late with your stories, Zelda?"

"I did tell her an especially long story for her birthday, Mother, as I promised her," said Princess Zelda. "I thought it best to tell her the story the night before since she will be so active today and probably too tired tonight. But I stayed by her side until she fell asleep, and I think she's slept enough by now."

"That's good," said Queen Zelda. "I know how much she loves your stories, sweetheart. But you should wake her now, as she does need to get ready for her party."

Princess Zelda made her way to Astra's bedroom, and she smiled, seeing Astra sound asleep, hugging one of her stuffed animals with both arms and legs. Zelda made her way to the bed and sat down. Then she gently brushed Astra's hair back and whispered, "Happy Birthday, Princess. It's time to wake up."

Astra opened her eyes, saw her sister sitting there, and smiled.

Zelda leaned down and kissed her.

"Good morning, Zel!" said Astra. "That was a great story last night! I even dreamed about it!"

"I'm glad you liked it," said Princess Zelda. "But now you should get up. You need to get dressed and ready for your party. I'll help you."

"You're so nice to me," said Astra as she sat up, reached out and hugged Zelda.

"Of course I'm nice to you, you're my dear sister, and I love you very much," said Zelda. "Now, which outfit do you want to wear? I can get it ready for you while you take a quick bath, and then we'll go down to a late breakfast together. And don't play too long in the water with your boats!"

"I won't! I want to wear the green one today," said Astra letting go of Zelda. "It reminds me of what the hero wore in your story."

Astra hopped out of bed and drew the water for a bath, then started washing up as Zelda got her outfit ready.

"Do you need help, Astra?" Zelda called out to her after a while.

"No, I'm a big girl now, remember?" shouted Astra as she finished bathing, got out of the tub, dried herself off, then put on a bathrobe.

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