Chapter 125 - The Battle is Drawn

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Summary: North Hyrule's discovery helps reveal the enemy, but their leader makes a drastic decision with tragic consequences.

It was a typical morning in Zora's Domain, and someone just had a rude awakening.

"Wake up, Daddy!" shouted Tara.

"You just love to splash me, don't you, you little cutie?" said Link as he first wiped the water off his face, then tickled Tara after her slumber pool splash in his face.

Tara giggled, then reached out, and Link pulled her close and hugged her.

"You're speaking so much better, Tara!" said Tila.

Suddenly Tila's Tab buzzed and flashed red.

"Please watch her, sweetheart, I have to answer this," said Tila.

She jumped out of their slumber pool and examined her Tab. The Divine Beast rune was flashing red, and pressing it put her in contact with her sister, Queen Faray.

"I assume you're the one accessing Vah Kachta?"

"Yes," said Faray. "I'm here with Sheikah Chief Saldon and his apprentice, Aldora. We need to test if Tesimals can render the invisible cloth visible. We're not moving Kachta, just entering it. Saldon and I wish to unlock the entrance."

"Transmit your code then, Fa," said Tila.

Faray touched the rune on her Tab and thought of the code sentence. Tila's Tab showed the code was correct.

"You're good, Sister, and I'll approve your access," said Tila as she pressed the rune on her Tab. "Good luck! And can you please fill me in when you're finished?"

"Thanks and I will, Ti," said Faray.

They ended the call.

Faray then held her Tab against the door mechanism, and then Saldon held his Tab there too. A few seconds later, the lock activated, and the door to the Divine Beast swung open.

"We're in," said Faray. "Whew! The air's stale, isn't it?"

Back in Zora's Domain, Tila put away her Tab and turned back to their slumber pool.

"Everything okay?" asked Link as he played with Tara.

"Yes, fine," said Tila. "It's just not every day one of us accesses a Divine Beast. We put in an additional safeguard after our sister Sopha... well, you know. Come on! Let's go get breakfast!"

"Fish!" said Tara, then she turned to her Dad.

"Don't you dare, you little tease, don't say it three times," laughed Link, reaching out and tickling her again.

Tara just giggled.

"She must think you've learned by now," laughed Tila. "Or she's given up on you."

Tila took Tara's hand, and they prepared to go to the Lake to catch fish.

"Let's see if Daddy can swim any faster today, okay, Tara?" said Tila.

Meanwhile, in North Hyrule, Faray led them through the inside of the giant structure.

"It looks like a whale or leviathan," said Aldora as she gazed around. "Is that the design?"

"Yes, this one was built for water, though it can also travel slowly on land," said Faray. "It's named after a famous Sheikah monk. The main control unit is over this way. I haven't been inside here since my training sessions with the former Sheikah Chief, oh, about twelve years ago now."

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