Chapter 24 - Trial of the Hero - Part 2

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Summary: Dr. Purah's Trial of the Hero simulations throw Link some challenges, but Mipha supports his efforts.

Link felt he had sharpened his skills enough with the training exercises. It was time to tackle the real trials. He and Mipha headed back to Vah Ruta.

"You feel ready for this?" said Mipha.

"I do," said Link. "I know my skills may not be as good as five years ago, but I think they are still good enough. I am curious about what Purah cooked up for me."

Mipha activated the simulator and pressed The Trial of the Hero option. Again, Link blacked out as if in a trance. He awoke in a Sheikah Tower in Central Hyrule. A disembodied voice began to speak.

"In this challenge, there are four separate trials, the objective of which is to achieve what is best to save Hyrule. If you complete a trial, you will have the choice of continuing to the next trial or exiting the simulation. The simulator will save any successful trial completions, and you do not need to complete all four trials at one time. Each trial is independent. The first trial will begin now."

Suddenly the Sheikah Tower faded, and he emerged standing in front of Gerudo Town. It was mid-day, and a blazing hot sun was in the sky. He was wearing his Desert Voe armor, and Urbosa was standing next to him.

"Link, you arrived just in time!" said Urbosa. "Against my advice, Princess Zelda left here on her own for Kara Kara Bazaar. But she is overdue there, and I fear something has happened."

So, this test involved finding Zelda or, more likely, rescuing her.

"Do you know how long ago this was?" said Link.

"Not more than 30 minutes," said Urbosa. "One of the guards here saw her leave, but another guard returning on the road from the Bazaar said she never passed her."

Link thought back to his Gerudo training session, which involved the Yiga Clan.

"I suspect the Yiga Clan may have kidnapped her," said Link. "In which case, they would take her back to their hideout for their leader to question her. We need to hurry. Let's take two of these Sand Seals."

Soon Urbosa and he were streaking across the desert on Sand Seals toward the Yiga Clan Hideout. They got as far as they dared on the Seals, then proceeded quietly on foot. As they got closer to the entrance, three Yiga Clan warriors appeared. Link managed to stun two of them with ice arrows, while Urbosa eliminated the third warrior with a blow from her scimitar. Then she and Link took care of the remaining two while still frozen in place. They quietly approached the Yiga Clan Hideout entrance and crept inside. The usual contingent of guards was pacing the halls. Link remembered the technique of using Mighty Bananas to grab their attention and distract them.

"I probably don't need to tell you, but we need to distract the guards with some Mighty Bananas," Link whispered. "Then we climb the ladder over there. I will need to repeat the process again as we approach our destination."

It was a little trickier with two people, but they proceeded slowly and methodically. Finally, they reached the inner chamber with the secret exit to where he had fought Master Kohga in his original timeline. He didn't have Magnesis to open the secret door, but this time merely pushing it worked: another Purah modification. When Urbosa and Link emerged, they saw Zelda lying on the ground, surrounded by three Yiga Clan warriors and Master Kohga. She was still alive.

"I'll take care of these three," said Urbosa. "You deal with their fat leader."

Link took on Master Kohga. He thought this might be challenging without a Magnesis Rune, but it turned out there were only two phases to the battle, and Magnesis wasn't needed. He had to dodge and shield parry. But eventually, he wore Kohga down with some well-timed arrows, and Urbosa had little trouble with the three warriors. Zelda rushed, crying into Urbosa's arms, safe. Suddenly the scene began to fade, and he emerged back in the Central Tower Sheikah Tower.

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