Chapter 161 - Island of Dreams

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Summary: Queen Zelda inspects the Akkala Citadel and plans to visit Zora's Domain the following day. Mipha and Link return to Eventide Island and the shrine atop Koholit Rock, leading them to a mysterious island that involves an ancient story.

Spoiler Warning: This chapter discusses events from 'The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.'

It was early morning at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab west of Hyrule Castle, and Purah was speaking with Link's younger daughter Lapha in Zora's Domain.

"No, I was already awake, Princess Lapha, it's fine. You know me. But yes, I see it now that you point it out," said Purah as she looked at the picture that she herself had taken inside the Eventide Island Shrine. "In our defense, it is subtle, just that one small part of the dried pool of blood showing the leakage. But you're right. There is definitely a crack in the floor there. I will let Her Majesty know and thank you for being so observant."

They ended the call, and Purah turned to Robbie.

"You overheard?" said Purah.

"Yes, I heard," said Robbie. "It's a shame we didn't notice it while we were there. But I'll confess I was quite eager to leave, as there was an unsettling aura about the place. But what we see in the picture may truly be nothing more than a simple crack in the floor."

"You may be right, but I will let Zelda know," said Purah. "I just don't want to worry her over something that may be trivial after we just got over this terrible ordeal. I know it took a toll on her, the loss of life and all."

Robbie nodded, then Purah placed the call. She caught Queen Zelda as she was about to leave.

"I see," said Zelda after Purah explained the situation. "But you don't sense any danger or cause for concern?"

"No, nothing like that, Your Majesty," said Purah. "Just something we didn't notice while we were there."

"I am about to get an early start for the Akkala Citadel, as I have decided to travel by horseback," said Zelda. "But thank you, Purah, and let me know if you learn anything else or feel I need to do something. Oh, and let Link know about this as well. His daughter may not have mentioned it to him."

"I will, and have a safe journey, Your Majesty," said Purah as they ended the call.

Princess Zelda was with her mother, saying goodbye when the call came.

"Are you sure you don't want me to inspect the Akkala Citadel instead, Mother?" Princess Zelda asked. "I don't mind at all. I remember Father used to go there in your place."

"No, sweetheart, I'll go," said Zelda as she smiled at her. "When Horwell is older, I'll be more than happy for you to take on some more duties. But enjoy your time with him while he's still young. Besides, I like to experience things firsthand, and I'm looking forward to a horseback ride through Hyrule. And this trip is not all business. The commander there, General Gorman, was good friends with your father. He attended our wedding, and I'd like to see him in person again."

"Whatever you say, Mother," said princess Zelda. "Have a safe trip."

"Where is Horwell, by the way?" said Zelda.

"Astra and Randall took him to the park. Astra is teaching him how to sail her toy sailboat, the one Uncle Link gave her when she was small," said Princess Zelda.

"That's cute," said Zelda. "If you have no pressing tasks, join them, dear, and take some pictures to share with me. I'm off now then."

Mother and daughter embraced, then Zelda nodded to two Royal Guards who accompanied her to the Castle entrance, and they each mounted a horse.

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