Chapter 40: Hyrule Renaissance - Part 2

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Summary: Queen Sopha pledges loyalty to Hyrule and her Sheikah share some of their technology. Zelda begins plans for Hyrule's transformation to a technological civilization. Mila gets some social competition.

Mipha had spent the whole day in meetings, including updating Sidon on the events yesterday at Hyrule Castle concerning Queen Sopha. She was looking forward to being done for the day. Her last scheduled meeting was with Larah, the Captain of the Royal Guard. Larah had been promoted to Captain two years ago when the prior captain retired.

"Your Majesty, you wished to see me?" said Larah.

"Yes, thank you Larah, it's about Mila and Midon," said Mipha. "They're getting to the age where they are starting to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and they feel the presence of guards detracts from their 'special moments' as my eldest daughter put it. Is there anything you can do to give them more privacy without compromising their safety?"

"I understand," said Larah. "We can try to be less visible, much as we are when you visit Castle Town. And if we can assure their safety without having to see them directly, that would also work for us. Maybe you could ask them to either stay inside the Domain or go places where there is very restricted access. Then we don't need to watch them directly and can watch the access points. But from the reports, they spend most of their time with groups of friends. The few times one of them goes off alone with someone they just sit together talking or go for walks or swims, things like that. We try to let them feel as private as possible, but we do need to be very sure they're safe. Is there anything you wish to know?"

"No," said Mipha. "I would just like them to have as normal an adolescent experience as possible under the circumstances. But I appreciate the difficult assignment you and your guards have, and I am very grateful for all you do. Thank you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," said Larah. "It is an honor to be a member of the Royal Guards. I will discuss with the other guards about some ways we can be less intrusive."

Larah bowed and then withdrew. Link was at the foot of the stairs talking to one of the guards. Mipha walked downstairs, and when Link was done speaking, she approached him.

"Feel like taking a walk with me? I need to get out and don't feel like a swim right now. How about the Upland Zorana area? We haven't walked there in a while."

"Of course, my dearest, sweetest Mipha," said Link. "You know I love taking walks with you."

"You're in a lovely mood!" laughed Mipha. "Such a sweet reply. It makes me want to swim with you after all."

Mipha notified the guards, then Link and Mipha dove down to the lower level of the Domain, then headed north to the two waterfalls. The swam up both waterfalls then held hands as they headed southwest. The weather was mild, light clouds, with rain expected in the evening.

"You had a busy day, huh? But you are getting more efficient," said Link. "At the beginning, you were putting in terribly long hours. I understand the situation was difficult back then. Actually, that was thoughtless of me even to bring it up. Sorry."

"No, it's alright, sweetheart," said Mipha. "I know what you mean. But I needed to get away now, and we need to make time for each other, too. We used to take walks all over the Domain when we were younger. It was one way we grew closer. Speaking of being close, I spoke to Larah about our older two, and she'll see if they can give them a bit more privacy while still making sure they're safe."

"I hope that works for them," said Link. "And Mila assured me she could deal with things."

"I think she can, too," said Mipha. "But they both had their growth spurt earlier than most, so they're on the young side still, and any boyfriend or girlfriend is undoubtedly older. I wonder if that's the Hylian influence on them?"

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