Chapter 177 - Hero of Winds - Part 1

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Summary: Mila returns home from her outing and learns what happened. Mipha and Link begin to search the world of the Hero of Winds for Purah and Robbie.

It was evening on the northwest border of Lanayru Bay as Link's oldest daughter Mila prepared to say goodbye to her boyfriend, Kendal, and return home.

Kendal was a Zora guard and busy training at Lanayru Bay. But he had some free time today, and so the two of them had enjoyed it swimming and laughing together. They finished the day with a tasty dinner of Armored Porgy and Hearty Blueshell Snails as they floated near shore and watched a gorgeous orange sunset that reflected off the waters and snow-covered Mount Lanayru to the east.

Their time together had passed quickly, and as a member of the Royal Family, Mila could have asked Kendal's commander to extend his free time. But Kendal had always insisted he be treated no differently because of their friendship, and Mila understood and respected that.

"You should go before it gets too late," said Kendal. "And I wish you hadn't traveled alone."

"I'll be fine, and the route home is quite safe," said Mila. "But I'll be glad when this training exercise is over, and you're back home yourself."

"I know, me too," sighed Kendal. "My sister Kenra is still away studying science in North Hyrule, so my parents are alone for a change. It'll be nice when our family is back together again. We'll probably celebrate!"

"I know what you mean," said Mila. "My entire family is home now, and my parents love it when that happens, as do I, of course. My young niece Tara is adorable but mischievous!"

They both glanced up as some late birds flew overhead, making their way to a safe place to spend the night.

"Anyway, I have time to escort you as far as the Rutala River before I have to report in," said Kendal. "That makes me an unofficial member of the Royal Guard for now."

"Funny, but thanks," said Mila as they swam to shore. "But someday, I'm sure you will earn a real promotion."

It was a short walk across the Samasa Plain, and when they reached the river, they prepared to say goodbye.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," said Mila as they embraced. "I had a great time. Love you!"

"Goodnight, sweetheart. Love you, too. And thanks again for coming," said Kendal.

After several kisses, Mila dove into the Rutala River, waved once to Kendal, and then began the swim home. The freshwater was refreshing, and it washed off the last traces of salt from her skin. Not that she minded the feeling of salt, but it felt more natural without it. Her sister-in-law Tila would feel just the opposite, of course. It was a quick swim to the Rutala Dam.

"Wet fins and clear water, Princess Mila!" greeted one of the two guards on duty at the Rutala Dam.

"May your fins always be wet!" answered Mila using the current fad in Zora greetings.

Mila paused to Tab her Mom that she was almost home, but did not get a response. That meant her Mom was probably busy with family, and Mila didn't need an answer, anyway. It was just to let her know.

East Reservoir Lake was calm on this windless night, and the moon's reflection in the water had been flawless until Mila dove in and began swimming north. She glanced up at massive Divine Beast Vah Ruta as she swam by. Ruta stood silent and empty that night.

Occasionally, her parents spent evenings at Ruta. It was a private place, somewhere to get away and spend time together when they did not want to be home. Her Hylian Dad needed to breathe after all, and so they could not find privacy underwater like Zora married couples did. Anyway, Mom was glad her Dad was comfortable inside Ruta now. She had said he used to feel chills whenever he visited Ruta, and afterward even had nightmares, both lingering reactions to a painful memory. But time and love had apparently healed that wound their magic couldn't.

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