Chapter 171 - Digging for Clues - Part 3

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Summary: Sheikah scientist Aldora from North Hyrule joins Purah as they prepare to search for ancient relics. Mipha and Link retrace Link's steps after he awoke from the Shrine of Resurrection, hoping to jog his memory about a notorious bandit.

It was morning at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab, as Purah welcomed Aldora.

"We're so thrilled to have you, Aldora," said Purah. "It was very considerate of Master Saldon to offer your help."

"The thrill and pleasure is mine, Dr. Purah," said Aldora as they shook hands. "I finally completed my apprenticeship and am eager to put my knowledge to further use."

"Let me go over all we've learned and see if you agree with our selection of fruitful places to search for ancient technology," said Purah as she prepared to go over everything they had learned from the Sheikah Slate recovered from Eventide Island.

Meanwhile, in Zora's Domain, Mila had awoken early and joined her parents for breakfast as Mipha and Link prepared to leave for the Great Plateau.

"Can you go over what you plan to do?" Mila asked. "Just to put my mind at ease."

"We plan to retrace my path after I awoke from the Shrine of Resurrection in hopes I recall something useful about the thief, sweetheart," said Link.

"Yes, Dad, you already told me that part," said Mila. "But what if you do remember something useful? What happens next?"

"I guess it depends on what I remember," said Link. "The best case would be to discover who the thief might be, or at least where they might be found. At a minimum, I would like to recover the stolen items."

"And if you learn where the thief might be found, do you plan to capture them yourselves or summon help from the authorities?"

"I know you're worried about our safety, sweetheart, but it depends on the situation," said Link. "You have to trust our judgment. If we can accomplish our goal by calling in the authorities, I certainly will. But there might be no time for that. Or the presence of guards could alert the thief, and they would end up evading capture. So, I can't really say."

"But we will look out for each other, sweetheart," said Mipha, taking Mila's hand. "We've been doing it for a long time now, and we're good at it. Now we should be going. Go back to working on your history chapter, and please don't worry about us, okay?"

"And I'll Tab you when I can," said Link.

"And I'll remind him," said Mipha.

Mila sighed, then they stood and kissed goodbye. Mila accompanied them outside and watched them walk, holding hands, toward the plaza, and then disappear from view. She knew her father would want to apprehend this thief if he could, and perhaps even hide in wait for them. Then she suddenly remembered something and took out her Tab.

It was early morning at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab, and Midon was checking his messages when his Tab went off, and he saw it was his sister Mila.

"Hi Mi, everything okay?"

"Yes, but I need you to do something if you can," said Mila.

"If I can, I will. What is it?"

"You heard about the thefts from the Royal Museum?"

"Yes, we talked about it here. Purah thought their security was too lax."

"Well, Mom and Dad just left this morning to fish for clues about this thief. I'm worried about them that they may try to bait this person out of hiding or net them in an ambush. When caught, a person like that can be dangerous."

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