Chapter 76 - Normal is the New Normal

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Summary: Mipha and Link resume life in Zora's Domain as Zora and Hylian. Mila is teaching, Midon is coding, Lapha is schooling, Tila is captivating, and Linky is maturing.

"Open your eyes," said Mipha. "We're here."

The late night ferry from North Hyrule had already docked and was gently riding the waves at the Lanayru Bay terminal. The sun was just rising now and casting an orange glow everywhere. It was a new day.

Link rubbed his eyes and saw Mipha smiling at him. He smiled back. She was back to how he first knew her, and that felt good.

"Good morning, Princess of the Zora," said Link. "You're very nice to wake up to."

"You're still not used to it yet?" laughed Mipha.

"I never will be, sweetheart," said Link. "Every time is just as exciting. But I guess we had better go ashore. It looks like we're the last ones on board."

"I wanted to let you sleep as long as possible," said Mipha. "And I only woke up myself a short time ago."

Mipha took his hand, and they stepped onto the pier and then the shore. The Zora official there bowed a greeting, and they were free to continue.

"You're wearing your Zora Armor, so let's get in some swimming," said Mipha. "I've been dying to see how I feel back in my element."

They made their way back toward the Domain, swimming wherever possible. It was midmorning by the time they reached the northern part of Ruto Lake and home lay just ahead.

"Take my hand," said Mipha as they approached the final waterfall. Then they held hands and laughed all the way as they both swam at full speed up the waterfall and surged past the top, landing gracefully in the waters of the lower Domain level. Link had felt a tug on his hand the whole way up, so he knew Mipha was still swimming faster than him. She clearly hadn't lost any water skills from her time as a Hylian.

"That felt really good!" laughed Mipha. "Come, let's calm Father's nerves. I know he will be anxious until he sees me with his own eyes. Sidon Tabbed me that a single day didn't pass that he didn't express his concern."

The guards acknowledged them and waved them up to the throne room.

"Good morning, Father," said Mipha smiling at him. "Your delinquent daughter has returned."

"Mipha, darling, you look wonderful!" said King Dorephan. "Sidon shared Link's message from last night, and I was so relieved. But it is even more of a relief to see you safe and sound. And I know your children have missed you."

"It's good to be home," said Mipha. "Link and I both feel like we've been away too long."

"Yes, by all means, enjoy being home again," said King Dorephan. "Maybe you two could have some fun at tonight's dance."

"I didn't realize that was tonight, but yes that would be fun," said Mipha.

"Now I have a meeting coming up with a council member," said King Dorephan. "But welcome home!"

They thanked him and left.

"I need to make arrangements to have the bed removed from our room," said Link. "I'll speak to Kodah about it now."

"I'll come with you," said Mipha.

They made their way to the inn and Kodah was by the entrance.

"Lady Mipha and Link," said Kodah. "How nice to see you both."

"Good morning, Kodah," said Link. "It looks like we won't need that bed any longer."

"Ah, everything is back to normal? I'll arrange to have it picked up tomorrow. And you already paid for the week, so we're good. If you don't mind my asking, how was life as a Hylian, Lady Mipha?"

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