Chapter 42: Hyrule Renaissance - Part 4

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Summary: Purah and Robbie uncover the purpose of the extra Tab component. Link embarks on a rescue mission to North Hyrule.

Robbie and Purah had been working steadily for the past two days to understand the mysterious extra component in the Sheikah Tab plans. Robbie had removed the part and had it hooked up to some equipment on his workbench. He and Dr. Purah were examining it.

"If we can't figure this out, we're going to have to ask Fandra for help," said Purah.

"I think we're close," said Robbie. "I've already spent a lot of time investigating this component. I've been feeding different signal frequencies into it, working my way upward. When I transmit this particular frequency, the part gives off a signal of its own. But I need to determine if the part responds to any other frequencies."

"So, which comes first?" said Purah. "Understanding the content of its signal or checking for more frequencies?"

"I think I already understand its signal content, and it's fascinating scientifically," said Robbie. "If you look at its storage, as you can see here on this monitor I hooked it up to, there are several rows of numbers, but one number in each row keeps incrementing rapidly like a clock, and the other numbers stay fixed. However, if I move the part to the other side of the workbench, like this, the other numbers all change slightly. If I move the device in the direction of Central Tower, this row's value gets smaller and the others larger. And similarly, if I move it in the direction of Woodland Tower, this other row gets smaller. It looks like the part is deriving its distance from whatever Sheikah Towers are in range by using the difference in a clock signal from the tower and its own internal time. And if there are three or more towers in range, it can pinpoint its position very precisely."

"So, this part is deriving its location and, upon receiving a certain signal, transmitting that information," said Purah. "Essentially it is revealing its location to whoever knows the right signal to transmit and is prepared to receive its response. Using known locations of the Sheikah Towers and a map we could create a rune to use the information this component transmits to track it."

"Exactly," said Robbie. "It's very clever. But I want to check if it has any other functionality. I am going to pipe some higher frequency signals into it."

Robbie slowly increased the frequency of the signal he was sending to the component when suddenly it shattered in a tiny explosion. Robbie and Purah fell to the ground and debris from the workbench was strewn about the laboratory.

"Are you alright, Robbie?" said Purah getting up and dusting herself off.

"Yes, just a small bruise on my arm," said Robbie rubbing his arm. "Luckily, we were wearing goggles and standing a small distance away. Had we been holding a Tab with this component in it we could have been seriously injured."

"I think we've seen enough," said Purah. "We had better talk to Zelda."

Upon being told this was an emergency, Zelda interrupted her schedule and immediately met with Purah and Robbie. The two scientists described the experiment and its implications.

"So, these Tabs we produced following the plans we were given are revealing their location and potentially exploding?" said Zelda.

"Yes, Your Majesty," said Purah. "I think we should credit Robbie's persistence at getting to the bottom of this."

"Yes, Robbie, we owe you our gratitude," said Zelda. "But what do we do now? We need to destroy these Tabs as soon as possible."

"I think we need to be cautious," said Purah. "If we do anything drastic it may alert whoever is behind this. That could cause them to act immediately. We need to disarm these Tabs without alarming anyone. And, of course, we need to deal with the traitor."

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