Chapter 142 - The Second Flame

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Summary: The Yiga Clan Captain summarizes their plans for conquest. They enlist Palan for the mission to light the second flame.

It was evening in Kakariko Village, and Kalan was having a fish and rice dinner with his wife, Impa.

"How much do you remember about the Yiga Clan from your time there?" said Impa.

"A fair amount, though it was almost twenty years ago now, dear," said Kalan. "Is there something specific you had in mind?"

"I was just wondering what happened to them," said Impa. "We never really discussed that afterward."

"Probably because we both hoped they were gone for good back then," said Kalan. "In any case, I would have said they were on the decline ever since Ganon was defeated. I'm surprised they can still find recruits."

"On the decline in what way?" said Impa. "They were still emboldened enough to attack Hyrule after Ganon's defeat and while you were still spying on them."

"Yes, that's true," said Kalan. "But the special abilities they had, like teleportation, weakened after Ganon's defeat. When I was still working there, we could teleport to some extent, but it was not as powerful. It was as if their teleportation magic was being used up and not replenished after Ganon's defeat. I would guess from what I've seen that the Yiga Clan has completely lost their teleportation ability by now. The Yiga warrior who was supposed to meet Harlon in secret here arrived and departed on foot. In the old days, he would have teleported."

"I see," said Impa. "I suppose that's one thing to be grateful for."

"And, of course, once Ganon was defeated, Blood Moons didn't revive their dead anymore," said Kalan.

"Yes, that was true for monsters as well," said Impa. "I hope we hear something from Palan soon."

"Yes, I worry about him, too," said Kalan. "But he knows how to take care of himself."

Meanwhile, deep below the Thyphlo Ruins, Captain Kaplan was addressing the Yiga Clan soldiers assembled there. Palan stood next to Larson in the audience, one of the people he had met during his time there.

I am happy to report to all of you that we have succeeded with the first step of our plan, though sadly not without loss. Lieutenant Kenyon reports that we have successfully lit the first of the three flames needed to restore our lord, who will lead us to victory. However, our colleague Mendel gave his life to achieve this, and his death should be a warning to us all. Never forget that we have many enemies in Hyrule, both old and new. An old enemy killed Mendel, an ancient Sheikah mechanical warrior we call a Guardian. It seems that some of these devices still remain active, even after being dormant for many years. These Guardians were built to protect one who would oppose our lord and stay motionless until activated. However, once they find a target, they are relentless in pursuit. If you see one, keep your distance from it, as they activate upon sensing changes to their surroundings. Because of what happened, we are increasing our unit size to three for our missions to light the next two flames. Assignments will made soon. I urge all of you to keep your skills in top form. That is all.

The meeting disbanded, and Palan left with the others.

"Guardians, huh?" said Larson. "That sounds pretty scary. I wonder how they can tell enemy from friend?"

"Good question," said Palan. "I mean they didn't attack the Sheikah who put them there, right? But who would think those things could still be active after all this time?"

"No kidding. Do you want to get some lunch?" asked Larson.

"No, thanks, I'm going to follow the captain's advice and get in some archery practice," said Palan.

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