Chapter 113 - Royal Couple

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Summary: Lieutenant Randall proposes to Princess Zelda. Lapha discusses a brief conversation she had with missing scientist Grendon. Tara's lungs develop enough to spend more time out of water. A body is found in the Eldin Region.

"That was magnificent!" said Princess Zelda as she and Lieutenant Randall stood with the rest of the audience and applauded at the end of the concert. After the cheers and applause ended, they made their way out of the concert hall.

"Do you have time for a short walk, Zelda?" asked Randall as he reached out to take her hand.

"Of course, I'd love to," said Zelda as she smiled and gently squeezed his hand. "It feels good to walk after sitting for so long."

It was a mild summer evening as they walked together toward the park, holding hands.

"I hope you enjoyed the concert as much as I did," said Randall.

"The music was beautiful and quite moving in places," said Zelda. "Thank you for taking me."

"I'm just happy you had time for me," said Randall. "It seems you're always so busy these days, and when you're not busy, it seems I am."

"Duty calls for both of us, I guess," sighed Zelda. "I do need to help my parents, especially my mother. But I'm glad you're back from your extended patrol in the Hebra region. I missed you when you were so far away."

"I missed you too," said Randall.

They continued to walk silently through the park.

"It's a beautiful night, not a cloud in the sky," said Zelda looking up at the moon and stars.

"Yes, it is," said Randall.

A mild breeze shook the leaves and ruffled Zelda's soft blonde hair slightly as they continued their walk. Sunset Fireflies glowed near the trees on their left, and a pair of squirrels chased each other up a nearby tree. The three-quarter moon illuminated the path making it easy to see their way.

Zelda looked over at Randall, and he was looking down at the ground and seemed lost in thought. He had been quieter than usual for most of the evening, and it was clear to her that something must be bothering him.

"What's on your mind, Randall? You've been so quiet all evening, and not your usual cheerful self."

"Oh, is it that obvious?" said Randall.

"It is to me!" laughed Zelda. "We're not exactly strangers, are we? But it's fine if you don't want to talk about it. It's getting late anyway. We should turn around and start heading back before the Royal Guard sends out a search party for me."

"Yes, all right," said Randall. "I need to return, as well. We are supposed to be back in the officer's quarters by eleven o'clock, and I don't want to set a bad example or use you as an excuse for getting special treatment."

They turned around and began walking back toward the Castle, finally reaching the entrance that led to Zelda's room.

"Well, here is where I go in, and we need to say goodnight," said Zelda. "I think it's too late for my sister to be spying on us. Her bedroom window is just over there, and she's probably asleep by now. Goodnight, Randall, and thank you."

They embraced and held a long and passionate kiss, then kissed several more times. Finally, Randall pulled back and took a deep breath.

"Um, Zelda," said Randall nervously, taking her hand. "Can you please give me a moment before you go in? I've wanted to ask you something."

Randall's hand felt cold and clammy and shook slightly.

"You're shaking, sweetheart! Are you cold?"

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