Chapter 31 - Family Life and Unknown Territory

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Summary: Some family time together and then some new information about the anti-aging rune.

"What are you and Mom laughing about?" said Mila. "And why did you both answer to 'Mom'"?

Link had recently "been" Mipha for a short time due to one of the magic masks, and both Mipha and Link were feeling in a funny mood afterward.

"It's a long story," said Link. "But there were magical masks that would allow you to become another person while you wore them. To fool our enemy, I became your Mom for a short while. So, when you called 'Mom,' we were both laughingly remembering when I briefly was.

"That's weird," said Midon. "So, for a while, you were a Zora, Dad? And a female one too? How did that feel?"

"Weird is the right word for it," said Link. "But I didn't have too much time to experience it. I put the mask on when, as we expected, I saw guards coming to arrest Mom, and then the rest of the time, I was standing around pretending to be your Mom. I never got to do anything, and I especially regret I didn't get to swim. But believe me, you two have the best mother in the world, and I have the best wife. I am still in awe at the depths of her feelings for us. Anyway, we're thankfully done with these masks. Did you have a good time with Uncle Sidon and Grandfather? And how was school today?"

"Yes, we had a good time," said Mila. "But I could tell Grandfather was worried about you and wasn't telling us everything. So Mido and I were a little nervous. We're happy you are both safe at home now. And glad you're back to being our Dad, Dad."

Hugs were exchanged all around.

"Speaking of school," said Midon. "The teacher asked me to give you this note, Mom."

"I hope you are not in trouble," said Mipha taking the note and opening it. But it concerned something else entirely.

Dear Lady Mipha,

We just covered the events of Ganon's defeat in Zora history class, and it occurred to me that it would be an honor and a privilege if you would be willing to attend a class and answer student questions. You do not need to prepare anything, and I have already covered the events. I hope you will have time to do this as I am sure having a hero of this event present in person would help the students appreciate it more.

Your loyal subject,


"Your teacher, Galfa, would like me to go to your class to answer questions about Ganon's defeat," said Mipha. "Are you two alright with that?"

"Of course, Mom," said Mila. "That would be neat."

Midon nodded agreement.

"I wonder why you're not invited, Link?" said Mipha. "I guess they want to focus on the Zora aspect. Let's have a little fun before dinner. Anyone for some diving off the waterfall just north of here?"

It was a quick walk and swim there. The four of them all swam up the waterfall, then took turns diving. Mipha, Mila, and Midon had all completed their first dive and were in the water below, and now it was Link's turn. He thought he would do pretty well with the Zora Armor on and had dove into the water on many occasions in the past. He took his position on the rock, checked below him the coast was clear, and performed what he thought was an excellent dive, landing smoothly in the water below. But his dive must not have been very good by Zora standards.

"Nice one, Dad," said Mila laughing. "Were you trying to introduce yourself to all the fish? I felt the splash all the way over here."

"Now, don't be too hard on your father," said Mipha laughing. "That's my job."

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