Chapter 165 - Picturing History - Part 2

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Summary: Link's daughter Mila interviews Revali as part of her project to write the last Hyrule invasion history. Purah, Robbie, and Lapha continue to investigate the Sheikah Slate found on Eventide Island.

It was a sunny mid-morning in Zora's Domain as Mipha returned to their room and knelt beside the slumber pool where Link was still sleeping. She looked down at him, his head gently floating above the water, and smiled. He looked so peaceful, and he had grown so accustomed to sleeping in water that he would joke that now he found a bed uncomfortable. But she knew he had done all that for her, starting from back when they first married. He was a wonderful husband, and she loved him so much.

"Good morning, sweetheart," said Mipha as she gently caressed Link's cheek. "I think you should get up now."

Link opened his eyes and blinked at the sunlight streaming into the room.

"Hi, sweetheart," said Link, reaching out and pulling their heads together for a kiss. "It feels like I slept late."

"It is rather late, but you got home pretty late last night too. I guess Astra's party and travel wore you out."

"Yes, that was part of the reason," said Link as he rubbed his eyes. "The party did break up pretty late. It was fun, though, and everyone sends their love. I guess I slept so late I missed the rest of the family this morning?"

"Everyone but Mila," said Mipha. "Lapha left early for the Royal Ancient Tech Lab. She got a message first thing this morning from Purah that they found some interesting pictures on the Sheikah Slate they retrieved from Eventide Island. They were making progress investigating it and could use her help. Midon left to work by the reservoir. Linky and family are still in North Hyrule. If you get up now, you might still catch Mila eating breakfast. She's planning to travel to Gerudo Town today to interview Chief Baleria. I know you like to offer advice before our children travel so far away."

"Yes, that's true, so I had better get up then," said Link as he got up and dressed.

When he and Mipha reached the dining table, Mila was just finishing a Hyrule Bass.

"Morning, Dad!" said Mila as they exchanged hugs, then everyone sat down. "It figures we're the last ones awake as we were the last ones asleep."

Just then, Mila's Tab went off.

"Oh, excuse me, it's a message from the Hyrule Royal Secretary," said Mila.

"Is everything okay?" Link asked after Mila finished reading it.

"It looks like there is a change of plans," said Mila. "Gerudo Chief Baleria submitted a very detailed report on the invasion, so there will be no need for me to interview her in person."

"That was very thoughtful of her," said Mipha.

"Yes, I notice the younger generation is more adept at using technology, entering information directly into their Tabs or Mabs," said Mila. "No offense, Dad."

"None was taken, sweetheart," laughed Link. "I admit I'm still old-fashioned. But, as you know, when I write for my journal, I worry that I'll do something wrong if I do it on my Tab and lose everything. So, I prefer to write the old-fashioned way, by hand."

"I'm teasing you," laughed Mila as she squeezed his hand. "It's fine. Anyway, they would like me to meet instead with Champion Revali this afternoon at the Flight Range by Rito Village. I can take public transportation there."

"Please be sure to keep warm, sweetheart," said Link. "The Flight Range is pretty cold, as I recall. You would think Revali would make things easier for you by flying here."

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