Chapter 136 - Moving Forward

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Summary: Impa's son, Palan, infiltrates the Yiga Clan. Zelda requests the archive of material the Gerudo retrieved years ago from the Yiga Clan hideout be examined and translated if relevant. Link and Mipha continue simulation training.

It was early morning in the Royal Ancient Tech Lab, and Purah was catching up on some reading when her Tab buzzed. The screen identified the caller as her sister, Impa, which was unusual this early in the morning.

"Are you okay, Sis?" asked Purah, answering the call.

"I'm worried, Purah," said Impa. "Our call is encrypted, right?"

"Yes, of course, what's wrong?" said Purah.

"It's Palan. He went off to the Faron Woods on a mission for Zelda to investigate whoever is collecting Luminous Stones. We haven't heard from him in two days, though he had been reporting in once a day for the prior two weeks."

"Okay, hold on, I can locate his Tab," said Purah as she moved to a piece of equipment in the lab. A few moments later, Purah spoke up.

"His Tab signal is coming from a small cave near the edge of the Faron Woods," said Purah. "I'll send you the exact coordinates. His Tab is not moving at the moment. Do you want me to contact Zelda for you and ask if she will send someone to investigate?"

"No, Kalan will want to go himself," said Impa. "The fewer people who know about this, the better."

"Understood. I'll let you know if I detect any movement, and please let me know if I can do anything else to help," said Purah.

"You heard?" said Impa to her husband Kalan as she ended the call.

"Yes, and I'm on my way," said Kalan. "Send me the coordinates when you get them."

They kissed, and Kalan left at once. His instinct was to hurry to the location, but at the same time, he did not know the situation there. He did not want to compromise Palan's mission. So, he traveled quickly until he neared the cave, then cautiously from there on out.

It was night when Kalan finally crept closer to the cave. He had watched it for over an hour, and there was no sign of activity. He had messaged Purah, and she had messaged back that Palan's Tab was still there with no sign of movement. He drew his blade, crept to the entrance, and peered inside the cave.

It was empty, and he put away his knife, then began a quick search. There were some old barrels at the far end, and behind one was Palan's Tab. When he picked it up and touched the screen, a message appeared.

To unlock use my nickname

Kalan knew his son's nickname, the one they used to joke about. It was "shadow boy," and he entered it.

A screen with a message popped up.

Mother and Father, I am fine and leaving my Tab behind to inform you and because I dare not keep it. I am heading to the Thyphlo Ruins. I have captured two Yiga Clan collecting Luminous Stones but substituting some Mighty Bananas for personal profit. I will turn them in as traitors for defying orders and am hoping this will secure my admission to their organization under the name Linpa. I overheard that the Yiga are searching for a certain spirit captured in a Luminous Stone, but that's all I know so far. I will report when I safely can. Please don't worry! I love you both!

Then the message disappeared. Kalan messaged Impa at once with the news, not wanting to say anything out loud, then began the trip home. Meanwhile, Impa placed a call to Zelda.

"Impa, is anything wrong?" said Zelda.

It was rare for Impa to call her.

"Palan is attempting to infiltrate the Yiga Clan and journeying to the Thyphlo Ruins," said Impa. "He is probably already there by now. Apparently, our enemy is collecting Luminous Stones in search of someone's spirit."

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