Chapter 78 - Twenty-Five Years - Part 2

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Summary: Link meets with Ambassador Laray of North Hyrule to discuss the time travel anomaly, and Laray hints at something. Tila invites young Link to visit her, and Mila accompanies him on an overnight trip to North Hyrule.

It was almost two weeks later, and at Link's request, Princess Laray, Ambassador of North Hyrule, was meeting with him at his house in Zora's Domain. Laray was returning home from a routine visit to Hyrule Castle and had agreed to meet with Link on the way back. Link had raised the question as to why no one in North Hyrule had asked about the events of three years earlier, the Vera time travel anomaly, and Laray had been explaining their position.

"You can see I would wonder why you never asked about it," said Link. "It seems odd to me you would act as if nothing happened. But you are asking me to ignore that?"

"I am asking you to continue to trust us," said Laray. "I can assure you that we acted only out of concern for our well being. You must admit that changing your past the way you did was somewhat reckless. When we detected the timeline anomaly, we thought it prudent to investigate it on our own. We were unsure what the consequences of it were, and whether it would change the level of trust we could place in you."

"How did you investigate it?" said Link.

"Our Sheikah scientists and instructors living in Hyrule merely listened to what people said," said Laray.

"I'll bet Dr. Purah was your best source," said Link as he shook his head.

"Her name did come up," said Laray. "But my question to you is, why didn't you explain what happened to us?"

"So, from your perspective, we were the deceitful ones in all this?" said Link.

"Perhaps not intentionally," said Laray. "We know the anomaly itself was not your fault. That evil creature that originated in our land, Vera, triggered the event. But you did something in the past to change your timeline, and certainly made no effort to inform us of what happened."

Link thought for a minute.

"All right," said Link. "I can understand your point of view. We should have informed you when it happened, and that was probably my fault as ambassador to your land. I apologize. But I honestly never thought about the matter until two weeks ago when I Tabbed you. It was then I remembered North Hyrule is unaffected by our time travel events. Anyway, it's a lesson to keep each other in mind when things happen."

"Then I believe we are in agreement, are we not?" said Laray.

"Yes," laughed Link. "You are quite good, Laray. I started out feeling the injured party, and at the end, I am the one apologizing. Will you stay and join me for lunch?"

"I would be delighted," said Laray as she checked the ferry schedule on her Tab.

Link went to the kitchen and prepared two lunches of Hearty Bass. Mipha was at a meeting with her father all morning, and no one else was home at the moment. Laray looked at some of the pictures on the wall as she waited.

"Your family is well, Link?" said Laray as they sat down to eat.

"Yes," said Link. "Mipha is fine and so are the children. I call them children, but they are almost all grown up now, and it feels like it's happening way too fast. My older two are working and seem to have a steady boyfriend and girlfriend. And my younger son reached adolescence. My only somewhat little girl is Lapha, and she is something of a technology whiz. Before too long I think I'll be a grandfather."

"I'm sure you're exaggerating," said Laray. "But there's nothing wrong with that when it happens. You'll have the fun of playing and caring for little ones all over again. This fish is quite tasty, by the way. Freshwater fish is a bit of an acquired taste for us, but I like it. Most of us from the North prefer saltwater fish."

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