Chapter 101 - Escaping Notice

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Summary: Princess Zelda grows closer to Randall but is not ready to tell her parents. Sidon orders a search of the Faron, Lanayru and Necluda Seas for the mysterious Zora.

"Are you dressed yet, Astra, and ready to go to breakfast?" said Princess Zelda as she waited for her little sister outside Astra's bedroom.

"Yes, I'll be right there!" said Astra.

Astra emerged from her bedroom and hugged Zelda. Then they began walking toward the small family dining room together.

"We're a little late this morning," said Zelda. "Mother and Father are already there."

"Can I ask you something, Zel?" said Astra.

"Of course," said Zelda.

"Does Mommy know you and Randall kiss?" said Astra.

"What?" said Princess Zelda.

"I saw you last night when you came home," said Astra. "I was looking out my bedroom window."

"Does Mother know you were up past your bedtime looking out the window?" said Zelda.

"I asked you first," said Astra.

"No, she doesn't know," said Zelda. "But sisters are supposed to keep each other's secrets."

"It's a secret, then?" said Astra.

"It is kind of a secret for now," said Zelda.

"Why is it a secret?" said Astra.

"Because Mother or Father may worry about me that I don't know how to behave properly, and we don't want to worry them, do we?" said Zelda. "Besides, if you tell them, they will know you stayed up late, and you may get in trouble."

"I guess that's true," said Astra. "I was looking up at the night sky, the moon, and the stars. It's so interesting! Then I saw you and Randall."

"I see," said Zelda.

"You like Randall, don't you?" said Astra.

"Yes, we like each other, but we are still getting acquainted," said Zelda.

"Your mouths looked like they already got very acquainted," said Astra.

"Can we change the subject, Astra?" whispered Zelda as they neared the dining room. "Now we're sisters, remember, and we keep each other's secrets, okay?"

"Okay, Zel," said Astra. "Not a word from me!"

They entered the dining room, and Queen Zelda and Rudin were already there. Everyone exchanged morning hugs and then sat down to breakfast.

"Did you both sleep well?" asked Queen Zelda.

"I slept very well, Mother," said Princess Zelda.

"I didn't fall asleep right away," said Astra looking at her sister, who glared back at her. "But I slept well in the end."

"Did Zelda's stories keep you awake, sweetheart?" said Queen Zelda. "Are they too exciting for bedtime?"

"No, no, it wasn't the stories," said Astra. "I love Zel's stories, and they help me to sleep. I close my eyes after the story and pretend I am in it, fighting evil."

"Well, as long as you're getting enough rest, sweetheart," said Rudin. "You need to be fresh and alert for your tutors. You're almost six now, and your studies are getting harder."

"Yes, you'll be six years old in a couple of weeks, sweetheart. That's so exciting!" said Queen Zelda. "Did you decide whom you want to invite to your birthday party?"

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