Chapter 121 - Underwater Temple - Part 2

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Summary: Mipha's family deals with her absence as Mipha explores the ancient Zora temple.

It was morning in Zora's Domain, and Mila, Midon, Tila, and young Link were in the dining room together, shaken by the news Link had just shared that Mipha had left in the middle of the night to search for an artifact in an ancient underwater Temple.

"Oh no!" said Mila. "I knew something was funny when Mom asked me about the ancient Zora temple."

She handed the note back to her father.

"Wait? Mom spoke to you about this, Mila?" said Midon. "And you didn't try to stop her?"

"Don't spout that tone with me, Midon! Don't you dare!" said Mila angrily as she turned on Midon. "Do you think Mom floated her plans to me? I didn't know she would do this!

Then Mila burst into tears, and Link went over to comfort her. He embraced his oldest daughter as she buried her head on his shoulder.

"It's okay, sweetheart," said Link. "None of us knew what your mother was planning to do, and it's certainly not your fault. And please try not to worry. She knows how to take care of herself."

Then, addressing the rest of the family, Link went on.

"We need to stick together and support each other in this," said Link. "Nobody is at fault here. Your mother felt it was her duty to search for this relic, and once she makes up her mind to do something, she doesn't give up. Even if any of us knew what she planned to do, it would have been impossible to dissuade her."

"You're right, Dad," said Midon. "I'm sorry, Mila. I spoke without thinking and out of worry about Mom. Please forgive me, Sis. I never meant to blame or hurt you."

Mila let go of Link, reached out for Midon, and they hugged each other.

"All right," said Link. "We have to carry on as usual. Now I have to share the news with your grandfather and uncle. Will one of you please inform Lapha?"

"I will," said young Link.

Link left to meet with King Dorephan, and he was admitted at once.

"Link, how are you and my grandchildren doing?" said King Dorephan.

"As well as can be expected, Father," said Link. "I found this note Mipha wrote at one time and thought you might be interested in reading it."

Link passed Mipha's note to his father-in-law. King Dorephan registered surprise after reading it, then handed the letter back. They spoke cautiously out of concern they might be overheard.

"Yes, that is very interesting and very much like Mipha," said King Dorephan. "I will let Sidon know. It does remind me of how she was, Link. You don't remember her then, but she always wanted to excel at whatever she attempted and pushed herself hard, sometimes too hard, I thought. She was kind and respectful to others, and people who didn't know her took her to be timid and incompetent. But believe me, she was anything but! She very much admired your combat ability, Link, and used to practice some of your techniques in your absence. She trained hard with Seggin and learned from him as well. You never knew Seggin in his youth, but he was a terror with a spear and feared for his combat ability. So, yes, Mipha was kind and caring. But when she had her trident in hand, you didn't want to cross her. I thought you and she were very much alike in that respect: kind and caring by nature but fierce when combating evil. Anyway, thank you for showing me this."

"Of course, Father," said Link. "I admired Mipha in many ways, and I agree she was stronger and more capable than most people realized. I'll let you know if I find anything else that would interest you."

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