Chapter 178 - Hero of Winds - Part 2

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Summary: Purah and Robbie spend time on Windfall Island while Mipha and Link sail there to rescue them and get a small taste of the Hero of Wind's world on the way.

Lapha and Midon were at the Forgotten Temple studying the Guidance Stone when Lapha's Tab buzzed, and she glanced at the screen.

"It's Queen Zelda," said Lapha to Midon as she answered the call.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" said Lapha.

"Hello, Princess Lapha," said Queen Zelda. "I was wondering if there was any news."

"None as yet, Your Majesty," said Lapha. "I am confident we will figure this out and bring matters to a safe conclusion."

"I have every hope of that too," said Zelda. "Purah has spoken highly of you, Princess Lapha. She says you have a genuine gift for technology, and you even remind her of herself at a younger age. Of course, she meant that as a compliment, in case it wasn't apparent. Please keep me informed of any developments."

"Of course, Your Majesty," said Lapha as they ended the call.

"Wow! No pressure, huh?" said Midon. "I noticed you didn't mention Mom and Dad entering the simulation."

"I didn't think there was a need to," said Lapha. "Come on, let's keep reviewing the Guidance Stone code. There must be an emergency simulation termination procedure that returns everyone safely."

Meanwhile, Purah and Robbie made their way around Windfall Island.

"The archway says, 'Welcome to Taura Island.' So, there must be a difference in the ancient Hylian script," said Robbie.

"Very likely. But this simulation is extraordinarily well done!" said Purah admiringly. "I've created simulations, I mean we have, but not on such a grand scale as this. Or with the ability to physically enter the simulation, not just do so mentally. We have much to learn from the ancient Sheikah."

"Let's hope we can return to resume our education," said Robbie.

They walked along the main path, and Robbie spotted a sign.

"The sign shows a Café Bar up ahead," said Robbie. "Perhaps we could stop there? I'm feeling hungry."

The café was run by a woman named Gillian who introduced herself and, after welcoming them, added she had taken over the business when her father took ill. She referred them to the chalk menu on the wall for the daily specials and noted that while it was quiet during the day, quite a few sailors came in for drinks in the evening. It was clearly quiet now, as the only other customer was a nervous-looking fellow sitting at a table by the wall, who kept glancing in their direction and then looking down.

The chalkboard menu was written in ancient Hylian and advertised "Lon Lon Milk - 150", "Deku Nut Cake - 300", and "Zora Coffee - 250".

"Are they kidding?" whispered Purah. "These prices are outrageous! We could purchase an entire meal for under 50 Rupees back home."

"It's a simulation, Dr. Purah," said Robbie. "It's not real money, so don't be cheap. Besides, their scale of values may be different from ours."

"Fine," said Purah. "Let's split a nut cake, and we can each get a Zora coffee, whatever that is."

Robbie shook his head but agreed. They placed the order, and Gillian told them not to worry about payment for now, that their credit was good.

"The simulation must be set up that way for visitors," whispered Robbie. "So, can we each get our own nut cake now?"

"Fine," Purah agreed, and Robbie ordered a second nut cake.

When they were served, they took their food and drink to a nearby table. After sitting down, Purah took out the Sheikah Slate and examined the runes.

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