Chapter 22 - Family Trip

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Summary: It's been over six years since Ganon's attack, and King Rhoam is concerned about Hyrule's combat readiness. He convenes a brief meeting of the Champions at Hyrule Castle to discuss. Mipha and Link use this opportunity to take a family boat trip to Hyrule Castle with Sidon, Mila, and Midon. On the way, Link briefly stops to check on an old friend. At the Champions meeting, Revali challenges Link's combat readiness. And on the family side of things, Link tries to deal with Mila's insecurity.

It was late morning in Zora's Domain, and two letters had just arrived, one addressed to Princess Mipha and the other to Sir Link. They both bore the Hyrule Royal Insignia on the envelope.

"I wonder what this is about?" said Link as he tore open the envelope.

Dear Sir Link,

On behalf of King Rhoam, you are hereby requested to attend a brief meeting of The Champions at Hyrule Castle. The meeting is to discuss the state of Hyrule's combat preparedness.

The letter went on to give the meeting date, which was in two weeks' time and was signed by the Royal Secretary. However, there was a handwritten postscript from Princess Zelda.


I'm sorry for the short notice meeting request. My father has still not gotten over Ganon's attack, and it has shaken his confidence. I try to reassure him, but he still worries. He takes Hyrule's safety very seriously and blames himself for not being better prepared last time. It would comfort him to learn the Champions are ready if needed. The meeting will also be an opportunity to see old friends again, and I look forward to seeing Mipha and you. If you feel your children are up to it, you are very welcome to bring them along. I would love to meet them.


Mipha opened her letter, and it was almost identical. Zelda had just added an additional comment about taking the opportunity to do some shopping at Castle Town.

"Would you like to bring Mila and Midon?" asked Link.

"I think that would be fun," said Mipha. "But we should also bring Sidon. It would be a good experience for him. I'll discuss it with Father."

"How will we travel there? By boat, I assume?" asked Link.

"Yes, definitely," said Mipha. "If you were a Zora and the children older, I would consider swimming there. But a boat will do."

"Alright, if father approves Sidon coming along, we'll tell the children about it when they get home from school," said Link.

King Dorephan thought the trip was an excellent idea and said he would let Sidon know about it. He would also have someone arrange for a suitable boat. But since all King Dorephan's descendants would be together at one time, he insisted on extra security. A squad of Zoras would patrol the route and assure their safety.

Later that afternoon, Mila and Midon arrived home from school. Mila couldn't wait to rush in.

"Mido got in trouble today," said Mila.

"I'm not in trouble," said Midon. "And stop telling on me!"

"Okay," said Mipha. "What is this all about? Midon, tell me what happened."

"I wasn't paying attention when the teacher called on me with a question," said Midon.

"You were too paying attention," said Mila. "You just didn't know the answer."

"I did too know the answer," said Midon. "I just didn't hear the question."

"Alright, stop it, both of you," said Mipha. "Midon, if you knew the answer, you need to pay attention in class, and if you didn't know, you need to keep up with your studies. And Mila, you shouldn't always be trying to get your brother in trouble by telling on him. The teacher can handle this."

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