Chapter 83 - Appointed Knight

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Summary: Young Link spends time with Princess Zelda as her new personal guardian and accompanies her to Mount Lanayru.

It was morning in Hyrule Castle, and the royal family had just sat down to breakfast together. Queen Zelda felt it was important whenever possible for the family to have at least one meal together each day, and it often turned out to be breakfast, though sometimes dinner as well. Their daughter almost always had lunch with friends.

Zelda looked over at her daughter. She was just a few days shy of seventeen now, the Hyrule age of adulthood. She and Rudin had raised her the best they knew how, and she felt they had been a success. Her daughter had all the makings of a future leader. She was intelligent and caring, understanding of others. And she was learning how to make difficult decisions. But Zelda had also wanted her daughter to have a more carefree life than she had. So, she had pushed her to grow up, but not as hard as her father had pushed her, not at the expense of having some fun and doing the things she liked.

Young Link had messaged Princess Zelda the night before that he was honored to accept the position as her guard, and she couldn't wait to share the news with her parents. She was looking forward to having someone close to her age and whom she knew to accompany her on trips away from the castle. The guards currently assigned to her were quite competent, of course, and did their job well. There was nothing to complain about them. But they were always older than her and very formal and professional as was expected of them. Conversation with her guards was minimal since she was also expected to maintain a professional demeanor with them. And so it made her trips less exciting. It would be much more fun having Link keep her company. He was her age and someone she could talk freely with about anything. And now he was old enough and skilled enough to be her guard.

"Mother, Father, I have some good news!" said Princess Zelda after everyone wished each other good morning but before they began to eat. "Link messaged me that he is delighted to accept my offer, I mean our offer, to be my guard."

"I can see how excited you are," said Queen Zelda. "You didn't pressure him in any way I hope? You made it clear that this assignment is completely voluntary?"

"Yes, Mother, I worded the message very carefully," said Princess Zelda. "I can show it to you if you like."

"No, that won't be necessary," said Queen Zelda. "I suspect his father would have urged him to accept the position no matter how you worded the offer."

"I imagine it will be nicer for you to have someone you know with you, sweetheart," said Rudin. "And there is no doubt he can protect you. He has shown himself to be a highly skilled swordsman, and no slouch when it comes to a fist fight either."

"Yes, thanks for reminding me, dear," said Queen Zelda to Rudin. "You know I had to extend a formal apology to Queen Faray for that incident, three members of my army indirectly attacking the person next in line as her domain's queen if Faray is unable to do so. And I can understand how she feels. It would be the way I would feel if three Zora knights knocked you down, Zelda. I gather Faray was going to forbid her sister Tila from coming here again, but Tila threatened to renounce her citizenship and immigrate to King Dorephan's domain. In the end, they compromised by having two Zora guards accompany Tila instead of one. Faray said Tila visits here almost every weekend, and I assume it is to see Link. Speaking of which, what are the next steps regarding Link?"

"Well, Mother, I think Link should become a member of the Royal Guards now," said Princess Zelda.

"Yes, that makes sense," said Queen Zelda. "You should inform the Captain of the Royal Guards about his transfer."

"I will, Mother. And I think a promotion for Link is called for as well," said Princess Zelda.

"You do like him, don't you?" laughed Queen Zelda. "Well, it would be normal for a personal guard of a member of the royal family to be at least a lieutenant. We could offer Link that rank, don't you agree, Rudin?"

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