Chapter 132 - Conversations

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Summary: A day of more talk than action. After having used Purah's experimental anti-aging rune, Queen Zelda meets with Link to discuss concerns. Link agrees to explore Lomei Labyrinth Island with Mipha when Zelda requests it. Astra's combat training begins to include Ganon's Blight creatures.

It was a dark afternoon at Hyrule Castle as a flash of lightning lit up the sky, followed at once by an ear-splitting crash of thunder. A newly young Queen Zelda stood beside Link as they both gazed out the south window of her study, watching the heavy rain collect in puddles on walkways below and stream down the sides of the stone walls. The forces of nature had been too awesome to ignore, and so they had interrupted their conversation to stare out the window.

"What a terrible storm!" said Zelda. "It reminds me of the time we had to race to the nearest stable for safety. Do you remember?"

"I do," said Link. "We were returning from the Spring of Courage, and we heard the storm approaching as we rode through Sarjon Woods. You kept wanting to stop to examine more Zonai pillars, but I urged you to hurry. We ended up riding full gallop to Lakeside Stable. Even so, we both got soaked to the skin."

"We did," laughed Zelda. "We both dried off by the fire after the storm passed. Was I still being rude to you back then? Well, I guess it doesn't matter now. But I can recall how terrible the storm that day was, just as it is now."

"Speaking of lightning, are you sure it's safe for you here, Zelda? We're pretty high up in this tower."

"Thanks, but relax," said Zelda as she smiled at him. "They installed lightning rods at several places around the castle. I've been through many storms here, though none I can remember quite so bad as this."

They watched as another bolt of lightning lit up the room, followed by the expected crash of thunder.

"Anyway, thanks for coming, and I'm glad you arrived here safely this morning before this bad weather struck," said Zelda. "I know the younger generation loves to do everything by Tab, and I don't mind it either sometimes. But it's no substitute for meeting in person."

"I agree, and I wanted to see Astra this morning anyway," said Link. "It's not often the two of us have time alone together, and I always enjoy it when we do. But you're the younger generation yourself now, Zelda. As I said earlier, Purah's rune worked perfectly, and you look fantastic!"

"Thank you, I feel great too," said Zelda. "My daughter Zelda having the baby convinced me to go through with it, and I'm glad I did."

"You look like the young princess I used to travel with," said Link. "No wonder it's easy for me to recall things we did together."

"Oh, please, I'm not quite that young!" laughed Zelda. "But thank you for the sweet compliment. Concerning your memory, though, I honestly don't know how you keep things straight, Link! With all the twists and turns in your life, the time travel reversals, it's as if you've lived several lives in one lifetime."

"It feels like that to me too, and you don't know the half of it," said Link. "I've gotten over most of my confusion. But now and then I have to stop and ask myself if some memory that pops into my head still really happened."

They watched quietly for another moment.

"How are Mipha and the family?" Zelda asked. "Your granddaughter Tara is adorable from the few pictures I've seen. And in case you missed the inflection in my voice, I emphasized the word 'few.'"

"Guilty!" laughed Link. "Mipha tells me the same thing, that I neglect to take enough pictures, though the family has plenty. But everyone is well, and Tara is fun to play with and quite bright. Your grandson is adorable too, Zelda. I know Astra is fine as I spent this morning with her, but how are Zelda, Randall, and the baby doing?"

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