Chapter 144 - The Best Laid Plans

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Summary: The leader of the Yiga Clan plans the assault on Hyrule in detail. Zelda speaks with her daughter Astra about Link.

It was evening, though it was difficult to tell that, as Dark Link met with his son and Captain Kaplan in their underground hideout beneath the Thyphlo Ruins. It was time to plan their attack, and Dark Link had learned his lesson from last time. He wanted nothing overlooked this time; no mistakes to be made.

"I want both of you to critique anything that causes you concern about this plan," said Dark Link. "I expect obedience, but the last thing I want now is trying to flatter me with uncritical acceptance. If you see any flaw in the plan, no matter how small, this is the time to speak up."

His son and Captain Kaplan both nodded that they understood.

"Alright, we're going to go over this step-by-step," said Dark Link. "The first step is to abduct Queen Zelda or her older daughter. What are your thoughts?"

"I recommend Queen Zelda," said Shadow Link. "Aside from guards, she is mostly alone these days. And you can thank me for that, by the way, as I'm responsible for her husband's death. Her older daughter is often with her own family these days, which complicates matters."

Dark Link looked at Captain Kaplan, and he nodded agreement.

"All right, then our objective is Queen Zelda," said Dark Link. "Now, the question is, how do we abduct her?"

"I've studied this matter," said Kaplan. "I recommend we abduct her at night, of course. She won't be missed as quickly. We have created replicas of Royal Guard uniforms, so unless checked closely, we should be able to get close to her. Of course, we can eliminate any guards who get in our way, but would prefer stealth to outright combat."

"Yes, stealth is important," said Dark Link. "And above all, we need Zelda alive. You cannot let anything happen to her, Kaplan."

"I understand," said Kaplan. "So, as we discussed earlier, we will assemble two teams, one team to act as a decoy and the other team to perform the real abduction."

"What other steps must be taken?" Dark Link asked.

"Well, for one thing, they can track Zelda through her Tab," said Kaplan. "So, the decoy team will need to confiscate her Tab and take it with them, of course. And the decoy team will head toward the Thyphlo Ruins from the eastern side of the Castle. When the time is right, the real abduction team will move by night toward the Thyphlo Ruins from the western side of the Castle. I think our enemy knows our hideout is here somewhere, so moving in this direction adds credibility."

"Very well," said Dark Link. "You understand, the decoy team may well be a suicide mission. But when our Lord is restored, he can resurrect any of us who are killed."

"Yes, I will pass on that information. It will certainly make filling the decoy team easier," said Kaplan.

"All right. Then one of your units will bring Zelda here to our hideout, and the Poe Collector will perform the ritual," said Dark Link. "I am told that the ritual will revive Ganon, but he will not fully absorb Zelda's soul until the Blood Moon that same night. Even before the Blood Moon, however, once Ganon revives, we should be able to teleport. That will be a big advantage for us, so make sure everyone knows how to invoke the proper spell."

"Understood," said Kaplan.

"The next critical step is that we need to assure the Divine Beast pilots are kept away from their Divine Beasts until the Blood Moon occurs," said Dark Link.

"Yes," said Kaplan. "I will have teams assigned to each race, to teleport and restrain the Divine Beast pilots. And I understand you feel our Lord would not want them killed so he can imprison their spirits?"

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