Chapter 37 - Family Interlude

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Summary: Biology enriches life for Mipha, Zelda, and their families. Hyrule has five peaceful years, but is this the calm before the storm?

The lake water was clear and refreshing, and looking up from beneath the rippling surface Mipha could see the sun. She was holding her arms around her husband, and he was holding his arms around her as they faced each other and let themselves slowly sink toward the sandy bottom of the lake. He had such soft blue eyes, and the blue of the water only made them bluer. He smiled at her, and she let go of him with one hand and stroked his neck. Her gills were working faster now as he leaned forward and kissed her and then they held the kiss as they continued to sink deeper. Finally, she pulled him closer, and they made love as they held each other floating underwater. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the ecstasy of the moment. When they reached the lake bottom, they kissed again then rested together on the soft sand, watching some Hyrule Bass swim by. It was darker at the bottom, a deep shade of blue, but her eyes were made for this environment, and she could still see. She looked over at her husband resting next to her and tickled him with a short ultrasonic click. He jumped and then made a sound like a laugh. Then he tickled her back with a short burst of his own. This was so delightful! But wait. Something was wrong. How was this possible?

Mipha awoke with a gasp.

"Are you alright?" said Link who was floating next to her in their pool. "A bad dream?"

Mipha looked over at him and gently touched his hair. It was early morning.

"No, it was actually a very nice dream. But you were a Zora," said Mipha.

"Do you wish I was?"

"No. It was just a dream. But I wish you could share the experience of what it's like to be one, traveling through water and feeling at home in it, being one with it. We Zoras spend a lot of time on land but always have a love of water in us, the pure joy it gives us. That's why you'll see even adults splashing and playing in the water when they've been away from it for a while."

That was undoubtedly true, Link thought. He remembered a female Zora named Tula splashing and playing in the water at Lanayru Wetlands when she was supposed to be helping Prince Sidon find a Hylian. He did keep her playing a secret for her, though.

Dreams aside, Mipha had been feeling funny the last few weeks, and she had begun to suspect what it was. It was two months after their tenth wedding anniversary, and the children had turned nine years old now. Mipha scheduled a doctor's appointment for the morning when Link was out doing his combat training, and the children were in school. Her physician, Dr. Larah, arrived and was shown in.

"Your Majesty, I understand you are not feeling quite right?" said Larah.

"Yes, I feel tired sometimes or not able to eat sometimes when I know I should be," said Mipha.

"Let me take a look then," said Larah.

The doctor conducted a brief examination and quickly determined the cause of her symptoms.

"Well, you are not sick, so there is nothing to worry about in that regard. But the good news is that our Royal Family will be growing. You are carrying two fertilized eggs that I estimate are about two months old. So, they should hatch in about a month. Congratulations Your Majesty!" said Larah.

"I suspected that!" said Mipha. "Thank you, that is wonderful news. But Link and I will certainly have our hands full. I wonder what his reaction will be?"

"Well, you are both still young, so I'm sure you can manage," said Larah. "I will make a note to be ready to assist in one month. And congratulations again, Your Majesty." With that Dr. Larah bowed and left.

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