Chapter 85 - Desert Sorcery - Part 1

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Summary: Princess Zelda and young Link travel to Gerudo Town. Zelda has a productive visit. However, when they disappear on their return trip, Link rushes to the Gerudo Desert to join the search, with unexpected results.

On the morning of Princess Zelda's trip to Gerudo Town, young Link was ready and waiting by the castle entrance along with a Hyrule guard who had just brought their two horses.

"Both horses are ready, sir, groomed, fed and watered," said the soldier.

"Thank you," said Link. "We have a full day's ride today."

"I picked a strong horse for you, sir, with good stamina," said the soldier. "She should be able to keep pace with Gale here, at least up to a point. The Princess's horse is quite a fine one. If it's all right, I'll leave them with you now, sir, and return to my post."

"That's fine and thanks again," said Link taking the reins of the two horses.

While he waited for the Princess, Link Tabbed his mother and father that he loved them, was fine and was about to journey to Gerudo Town. Both parents wished him a safe trip, sent their love in return, and asked him to say hello to Urbosa.

A few minutes later, Princess Zelda and Queen Zelda emerged from the castle.

"Good morning, Link," said Queen Zelda.

"Good morning, Your Majesty, Your Highness," said Link bowing.

"Please take good care of my daughter," said Queen Zelda to Link. "But you have my permission to answer her back if she gets too snippy."

"Mother!" said Princess Zelda. "I am never snippy, and I will have you know that Link and I get along admirably."

"Remember what we discussed, enjoy your trip, and be safe sweetheart," said Queen Zelda as she hugged her daughter and kissed her. Then she waved goodbye as Link and Zelda mounted their horses and began to ride away.

"I am not snippy, am I?" said Zelda.

"Never, Princess," laughed Link. "You are always a model of politeness and consideration."

"I know I'm not that!" laughed Zelda. "But we do get along well. And being with you is hundreds of times better than with my other guards."

They planned to journey as far as Gerudo Canyon Stable today, then break their trip at Outskirt Stable for lunch and to rest the horses. Leaving the castle, they took the road west past the Sacred Grounds, then left the road and traveled across the open field.

"Now we can give our horses a bit of exercise," said Zelda as she urged her horse to a gallop and Link did the same. It was exhilarating to gallop across the grassy Hyrule Field, the wind in their faces. The weather was sunny and mild, and the ground was smooth. They finally slowed their horses to a gentle walk as they navigated around the western side of Mount Daphnes and along the eastern bank of the Regencia River.

"That was fun!" laughed Zelda. "For someone who hasn't ridden much, you certainly are doing quite well."

"Thank you," said Link. "My father did teach me some riding skills. He would take Epona out and rent a stable horse for me to ride along with him. I enjoyed it. I just like motorized cycles better."

The river was calm, and the water reflected the late morning sun. They crossed the tiny Gleeok Bridge and rejoined the road not far from Outskirt Stable. It was a full three hours from when they left before they reached the stable, dismounted, had the stable take care of their horses and then sat down to have lunch. The stable wasn't busy, and they had it practically to themselves.

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