Chapter 5 - Starting Work

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Summary: Link starts working for the Zora Royal Family but struggles with occasional nightmares.

Link was working his way through the giant machine, dealing with an occasional guardian scout along the way. He had activated all the terminals save the main one, hearing Mipha's voice as she encouraged him along. Finally, he was at the central terminal. He approached it with his Sheikah Slate. But instead of activating itself, the terminal spewed out purple malice that morphed into a deadly creature. He knew how to handle it, though. He dodged its giant spear and used his weapons to weaken it. When it started shooting ice blocks at him, he knew how to destroy them and reflect the last one back at it. Finally, he finished off the creature with his sword, and it dissolved, screaming into the nothingness it deserved. He went back to the terminal and activated it. But something was wrong. Mipha was speaking to him, but she had a ghostly appearance. She was dead, a spirit now. "No, no," he started screaming.

"Link, wake up," said Mipha. She rubbed her hand across his forehead, then took his hand. "It's okay. It's okay. You were having a nightmare."

It was the middle of the night. He rubbed his eyes. Then he reached over and held her. He took a couple of deep breaths.

"I'm sorry. Did I scream out in my sleep?" Link asked.

"I only woke up hearing you shout 'No, no,'" she said.

"Okay. I need a minute to calm down," Link said as he continued to take deep breaths.

It was just a dream, he told himself. Mipha was alive and here with him. For someone who had lost so many memories, why was he cursed with remembering the worst ones from another timeline? Fortunately, his nightmares were infrequent.

"Was I in your dream?" Mipha asked as Link clung to her.

"Yes, but I'd prefer not to talk about it. I want to forget it if I can. It was the saddest moment of my life," said Link.

"Okay, just relax. I'm here now. Let's talk about something else. Wasn't it funny the other day that Sidon thought Zora citizenship would improve your swimming?" Mipha asked.

He laughed. "Yes! Sidon is adorable. You never know what he's going to say, and I love playing with him," said Link.

"And he certainly loves playing with you," said Mipha. "He can't wait to have another adventure with you."

"Yes, we'll have to do that again soon," said Link.

"Are you feeling any better now? Do you want to try falling back asleep? Would you like to talk some more? Or maybe do something else?" she said.

He looked at her and smiled. "How about something else," he said.

They woke up to a rainy morning.

"Remember, you start work today. The Royal Family wants you to start earning your keep here," Mipha teased.

"I know. Of course, Lady Mipha," he teased bowing.

Once he became a citizen, one idea King Dorephan had for him was a role as Zora representative to other areas of Hyrule, akin to a roving ambassador. He needed to start attending council meetings and becoming familiar with items of Zora interest, particularly those that would involve interaction with Rito's, Goron's, or Gerudo's as well as the central Hyrule government. The fact Link had good relations with key people in all those areas was a selling point for the job.

After breakfast, it was time to attend his first council meeting. Mipha also participated in these meetings, so they walked over together.

"I hate to keep saying this, but don't be nervous. Everyone understands you're new at this, and you will probably do more listening than talking for now," said Mipha.

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