Chapter 45 - A Shadow Arises - Part 2

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Summary: A menace from the past keeps advancing her goals while Link and the others struggle to find a plan. But a familiar voice may offer some help.

It was morning in North Hyrule Zora's Domain, and Ambassador Laray was worried about her sister Tiray. Tiray had gone through a traumatic experience yesterday when she came across the dead body of a Sheikah woman while swimming. She was apparently very shaken by the event. But instead of staying with her older sister for comfort, Tiray had gone off on her own for the whole day and by nighttime Laray started searching for her. They usually slept in the same pool of water each night, but Tiray wasn't there.She found Tiray fast asleep in one of the other pools for no apparent reason. She didn't disturb her sleep last night, but now it was time to wake up. There was an opportunity to do some traveling today, and Laray was hoping her sister would come with her. That might make Tiray feel better too.

"Tiray, wake up. Why didn't you sleep in our customary pool? And where were you all day yesterday?" said Laray. "And why haven't you been answering your Tab? Are you still in shock?"

"I don't know, I guess I am," said Tiray. "I'm sorry. It was a terrible experience. I still feel disoriented."

"I understand," said Laray. "I wanted to ask you yesterday if you would like to join a group of us on an overnight trip to the other Domain today? It should be fun, and I think you'll like their Domain. It's very beautiful, and I'm hoping the trip might take your mind off what happened. As Ambassador I am supposed to encourage tourism in both directions, so why not start with family, right? If we're lucky, I might even be able to introduce you to the Hero of Hyrule if he isn't busy that is. What do you say? We plan to leave soon after breakfast."

"Sure, I'll go," said Tiray. "It sounds interesting. The Hero of Hyrule, is he a descendant of the heroes of long ago?"

"I don't think they're all related, but they all seem to go by the same name," said Laray. "But you better hurry and catch some fish for breakfast because we're leaving soon and they're using a fast Sheikah Boat from the Akkala Sea," said Laray.

"Right away, Sis," said Tiray. "And thanks!"

That was instructive, she thought. She had been avoiding contact with people as much as possible yesterday until she knew more. So, now she knew her name was Tiray and this person, whose name she embarrassingly didn't know yet, was her sister. And her sister knew the Hero of Hyrule of this time period. Her sister must be influential, then. And this other Domain sounded intriguing. It must be more significant than this one if the hero of their land lived there. She could read some of Tiray's mind but not most of it. Her mother had been a master of such things, but she had learned only part of her technique. Now if the hero of this era was related to the one who slew her mother, then she could avenge her mother's death. Not that she needed a reason to do some evil deeds. It was just additional motivation. But she couldn't lose sight of her primary goal and do anything to jeopardize it. That was more important than revenge. Anyway, time to catch some fish. She would let Tiray do her thing now. Acting normal was important.

That same morning back in Zora's Domain, Link was discussing what they knew with Mipha and Sidon while Zelda participated by Tab.

"We really don't know much at all," said Link. "From what I learned from Mija and the dreams, it seems this being can mimic other people or take them over and control them somehow. And the ancient being that Mija learned of from her sister was powerful enough to transform a Great Fairy into a monster. That is some potent magic! That's what we know, and I use the word 'know' generously. All we have are dreams so far, but I agree with Zelda this must be a warning."

"I cannot understand where this thing came from," said Zelda. "What has happened to account for this warning? And why now?"

It was a rhetorical question. No one knew.

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