Chapter 151 - Eventide Island

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Summary: After one month spent developing the Divine Beast Travel Gate feature, Mipha and Link travel to Eventide Island after staying overnight in Hateno Village. Link realizes there is something odd about the Sheikah Shrine there and consults with Dr. Purah.

"You feel okay, Mom?" asked Lapha as she and Mipha stood by the Travel Gate portal near the entrance to Divine Beast Vah Ruta in the middle of East Reservoir Lake.

Mipha had just materialized using the new Travel Gate feature.

"Yes, it feels instantaneous now," said Mipha. "It's smoother than the earlier version."

"Great! That's what we expected," said Lapha.

A month had gone by, and they had just tested what they expected to be the final version of the Divine Beast pilot Travel Gate rune. This feature allowed a registered pilot to teleport to their Divine Beast using their Tab. However, it was entirely a one-way trip. They could not teleport back to wherever they came from, nor anywhere else for that matter.

"Pending the results of similar tests at the other Divine Beasts, I think it's safe to say we're finished then," said Lapha. "I'll submit my report to Dr. Purah."

"It's wonderful that all of you could perfect this in only one month's time," said Mipha.

"It helped to have access to the construction plans we found for Naboris," said Lapha. "The Travel Gate integration with the Divine Beast controls turns out to be similar across all four Divine Beasts. And Midon was a big help with the Tab coding aspect."

"What about the two North Hyrule Divine Beasts?" said Mipha.

"We can't touch those," said Lapha. "Only the North Hyrule Sheikah are permitted to tinker with them, and they said they would implement this feature on their own. I think that's one reason Tila and her family have been going back to North Hyrule so often."

"If you're satisfied, we can go, sweetheart," said Mipha. "And how about a hug to show how proud I am of you!"

Lapha smiled, and they embraced.

"Thanks, Mom," said Lapha. "A hug always feels good."

"No matter how old you are, you'll always be my dear littlest girl," said Mipha as they held each other.

"I know," said Lapha. "And you're the best mother in Hyrule."

After they finished their hug, Mipha sealed Ruta shut. Then they both dove into the lake and headed for home. Link was there awaiting their return.

"How did it go?" Link asked.

"It worked perfectly," said Lapha.

"Great!" said Link. "I'm sure Zelda will be pleased. And I think that means we can finally plan on visiting Eventide Island soon."

Though Zelda had said it was not a rush, Link had assumed at first that Zelda wished Mipha and him to visit Eventide Island sooner rather than later. But that turned out not to be so. Zelda preferred that the Divine Beast pilot Travel Gate feature be implemented first before any pilots wandered too far afield.

So, it was not until a few days later that Mipha and Link stood with Mila at the Spool Bight pier, waiting for the ferry to Hateno Village. They planned to spend the night there, then travel to Eventide Island the following morning.

"Take care of each other," said Mila as they saw the ferry approaching from the north. "I know that goes without saying, but I like to say it, anyway."

"And that's fine, we will, sweetheart," said Link.

"Yes, don't worry, sweetheart," said Mipha as the ferry arrived.

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