Chapter 149 - A Peaceful Day?

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Summary: Mipha and Link spend a romantic day and night together and reminisce a bit. Purah and Robbie begin to study the Divine Beast Vah Naboris construction plans. Zelda later discusses an idea with them to enhance Divine Beast security. Lapha catches up with Midon on family matters. A fisherman from Lurelin village sees something alarming.

It was a partly cloudy afternoon in Zora's Domain, as Mipha and Link sat holding hands with their feet dangling in the water at the small pond south of Tal Tal Peak and north of Ja'Abu Ridge. They had walked there from the northeast pier of East Reservoir Lake after a brief visit to Ruta and a morning swim across the lake.

Pink and purple sea coral shaped plants dotted the landscape surrounded by clusters of Evergreen trees, and both gently swayed in the steady breeze that blew off the Lanayru Sea. Aside from the wind and the cry of an occasional bird, the only other sound was the splash of the distant waterfall by Tal Tal Peak.

"There goes another one," laughed Mipha as a small splash announced a Hot Footed frog was scurrying across the pond after an unwary insect.

Link tossed a pebble into the pond and watched the ripples expand.

"Did you and I used to come here together?" Link asked after a few moments. "I don't remember."

"Only one time," said Mipha as she stroked her foot against his in the water, and he rubbed hers back. "We were playing in the lake and ended up on the pier we just came from. It was a beautiful day, and we took a walk so you could dry off in the sun. We sat here and talked for a while. There were lily pads here back then, and it was before the sword chose you."

"You have a fantastic memory," said Link.

"I remember all your visits, sweetheart," said Mipha as she squeezed his hand.

Link smiled at her, then leaned over, and they kissed as the sun slipped behind some gray clouds.

"All I remember of this place was in the time after I awoke, which would be 65 years from now in our calendar," said Link. "Like Ralis Pond, the pond here was much shallower than it is now, little more than a big puddle. And a huge Stone Talus was lurking here then, too. At least I got some nice gems out of it."

They sat quietly for another minute.

"It looks like it might rain," Link said as he looked up.

"Yes, but there's no sound of thunder, so we'll be fine," said Mipha.

They kissed again and put their arms around each other, their feet still rubbing against each other on and off. The wind picked up slightly then, and a few moments later, it began to rain. They both watched raindrops pepper the surface of the pond, and several Tireless frogs made a sudden appearance.

"You don't mind getting a little wet, I hope," said Mipha as she brushed back some of Link's hair and the water from his forehead.

"I married a Zora, didn't I?" Link smiled as he squeezed her, and she smiled back at him, then they kissed once again.

"It's nice to get away, just the two of us, and not on an adventure," said Mipha. "We need to spend more time together like this."

"Yes, we do," said Link as they rested their heads against each other. "Family time is fun, but you come first in my heart and always will, sweetheart. I guess I don't tell you that often enough."

"You don't have to say it, sweetheart, though I love to hear it," said Mipha. "I can read it in your eyes and your smile and your touch. As I hope you can read my love for you."

"Of course, I can, sweetheart," said Link. "I have, for a long time now."

They sat for a while longer, watching the rain and the frogs and letting the water wash over them.

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