Chapter 1 - Studying

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Summary: Link continues studying for the Zora Citizenship examination.

It was a weekend morning in Zora's Domain, and Link was sitting with a book in hand studying. Mipha was sitting nearby reading as well.

Link looked over at Mipha, and she looked up from her book and smiled. She had the sweetest smile in all of Hyrule, thought Link. Maybe sweet wasn't quite the right word, though. Her smile could also have a seductiveness about it that hinted she could be a lot more than sweet if she wanted to be. And he was having trouble concentrating and needed a break.

As Mipha returned his gaze, she thought about how wonderful a husband Link was. He was a passionate lover and a kind and considerate person who cared about her feelings. And he looked so cute with his soft blue eyes and blonde hair.

Speaking of his hair, Link rubbed his hand through it.

"How's the studying coming?" asked Mipha, noticing his actions.

"Okay, I think. But there's an awful lot to learn!" said Link.

The Zora citizenship test was coming up in a few weeks, and he was determined to do well on it.

"You married into a rich culture with a long history, sweetheart," said Mipha. "But you don't have to get a perfect score, you know."

"I know. But I don't want to be an embarrassment to you, your family, and myself either, so I'm giving it my best," said Link.

He was studying Zora history now and had never realized how extensive their history was. It made him all the more humble and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it and complement his Hylian background. But the first step was passing this test!

"Do you know who will administer the test?" asked Link.

"I'm not sure. It doesn't happen very often. Likely a member of the Council of Elders. Try not to worry. Growing up, we studied Zora history, of course, and even I didn't always get a perfect exam score," said Mipha.

"Well, shame on you, Princess," laughed Link. "And here I thought I could ask you for help. Maybe I should be asking Sidon instead."

The three of them were going on a family picnic later that day. The weather looked promising so far, though the rain didn't seem to bother Zora's all that much.

Link got up and sat next to Mipha, then put his arm around her.

"Maybe sometime you could help me with the history of Queen Rutela," Link said. "There seems to be some uncertainty regarding her background."

Mipha smiled at him.

"That's a sorrowful story, but don't think I'm so naïve. I know why you mentioned it," said Mipha. "And though I love cuddling with you, I think you should get in some more studying."

Link feigned a puzzled look.

But Mipha said, "Don't act dumb with me. I can read you better than this book. Although most accounts of Zora history don't think it's true, some say Queen Rutela was part Zora and part Hylian."

"Really?" said Link smiling back.

"Maybe you're going to flunk that citizenship test after all," said Mipha. "But I know what you're getting at, and I'm happy you're thinking about it. It's sweet you brought it up. But I'm not quite ready for that yet."

She leaned toward him, and they kissed.

"Is that all you're having difficulty with?" said Mipha. "Should I quiz you?"

"Sure, go ahead," said Link.

"Do you know the significance of East Reservoir Lake?"

"It was a joint project of the Zora and Hylians and a symbol of their close ties," said Link. "It also prevented the flooding that used to occur."

"How long did it take to build it?"

"One year," said Link.

"And when was it built?"

"Ten thousand years ago," said Link.

"Well, you got all that right, so maybe there's hope for you yet," said Mipha. "Anyway, given where your mind's at, I think you've had enough studying for now. Let's go get Sidon and have our picnic."

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