Chapter 41: Hyrule Renaissance - Part 3

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Summary: Sopha completes her trip home. Mila and Tila become good friends and Mila offers to spend a month in Tila's Domain. Tila starts imagining a future with Mila's brother, Link. Epona is having a baby. Robbie uncovers a suspicious Sheikah Tab anomaly.

The brief official announcement from Queen Zelda about the annexation of the new region had been sent out to all of Hyrule. For most people, the very existence of the area was a surprise.

Citizens of Hyrule

I am excited to announce the addition of a new region to our kingdom. The area north of the Akkala and Eldin Regions will henceforth be part of the kingdom of Hyrule and will be referred to as North Hyrule.

There is a Zora Domain within North Hyrule, and its ruler is Queen Sopha. A population of Sheikah also reside there whose ancestors made that land their home long ago. We have already begun working with them in hopes of benefiting from their technology.

Please join me in celebrating this addition to our kingdom and its promise of greater things for all of us.


Back in Zora's Domain, Link stirred in his sleep, then woke up. He glanced over at Mipha and saw her sound asleep floating next to him. She looked so peaceful resting there, and so beautiful. For some reason, his mind wandered back to their honeymoon. The first night they spent at Lurelin Village there was a tremendous thunderstorm, and Mipha burst out laughing when the roof of their hut sprang a leak and doused him with water. "A little water never hurt anyone," she laughed. "And you didn't want to sleep anyway, did you, sweetheart?" Then she smiled and gently blinked her amber eyes at him in that irresistible manner of hers. But the next day was gorgeous, the sun shining in a clear sky. Mipha grabbed his hand and pulled him into the sea. They swam together all morning until they were both starving, then she caught some porgies, and they cooked them together on the beach. She was so utterly happy then, and he was too. They laughed at almost everything. Only a month before life had been so uncertain for them, but now they were finally together for good. He enjoyed every minute of their time there. And now it was nineteen years later, and he felt just as much in love with her.

"What are you thinking?" asked Mipha.

She had awoken and seen Link gazing into the distance.

"Oh, you're awake," said Link snapping back to the present. "I was thinking back to our honeymoon and how much I love you. Has it really been nineteen years already?"

"Yes, sweetheart, we've been married nineteen years. And you're twenty-two years old. Ponder that for a moment," said Mipha. Then she touched him gently on the cheek and smiled. With her eyes open now, she looked even more beautiful. He squeezed her hand.

"Makes it sound like we married before we met," said Link. "I was four when you first met me."

"It makes it sound to me like we have many more happy years to look forward to," said Mipha.

"You're right, of course," said Link. "And let's enjoy all of them."

He leaned forward, and they kissed, then held each other for a few moments. Finally, Mipha spoke up.

"I need to get up," said Mipha. "I have a meeting with Sidon soon."

"And unless you need me here, I'm going to visit Epona this morning," said Link. "Her baby is due in three months. Promise me you'll stay safe in the Domain?"

"You're still my guardian knight?" said Mipha. "I promise. Enjoy your trip."

Mipha had a meeting with Sidon and then afterward planned to meet with Tila to make sure she was comfortable with the arrangements and explain what her plans were. The children had already made their way to school. Mila and Midon were attending what would be considered college level instruction now, while Link and Lapha were still in primary school. Mipha had arranged for Tila to attend classes starting tomorrow, but there was nothing planned for Tila today.

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