Chapter 15 -Royal Succession

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Summary: Link gets two surprises talking with Mipha.

It had been one month now since their wedding anniversary and the happy news that Mipha was pregnant. Link had been keeping track of the days and asking Mipha if she felt okay way too often. The eggs weren't due for another four weeks, and he was already a nervous wreck. Mipha seemed relatively calm, however. They had nothing special planned today, so it was a good time to chat. Link sat down next to her.

"Mipha, can you tell me a little more about what will happen next?" said Link.

"I assume you mean about our children?" said Mipha. "As I said, I expect to lay two eggs in about four weeks. There will be some Zoras here to help me, and they will put both eggs together in a special tank. The eggs should hatch within three days. While we wait for them to hatch, there will be Zoras watching the eggs at all times, including a member of the council of elders. Then ..."

"Wait a minute," said Link interrupting her. "Why does a member of the council of elders need to watch the eggs?"

"Because the council member has to certify the order in which any Zora babies hatch. The Zora baby that hatches first will be heir to the Zora throne," said Mipha.

"What?" said Link jumping up with his mouth open. "You mean one of my children will be the future Zora King or Queen?"

"Well, one of our children, but yes, of course," said Mipha. "What did you think? I am the heir to King Dorephan, and any of my Zora children would be next in line after me. I already told you that the way Zora/Hylian biology works, the race of any children of ours would be pure Zora or pure Hylian. They will inherit features from both of us, but they will not be a hybrid race. So, any Zora children of mine would be in line for the throne, eldest first."

"I must seem very stupid to you, but I honestly never thought of that," said Link as he paced the room.

"Was that a question?" laughed Mipha.

"I guess the part I have a hard time understanding is how we can produce a pure Zora or pure Hylian baby," said Link. "Can you explain that?"

"Okay, but if you don't follow, then you'll have to simply take it as true," said Mipha. "This is my understanding. Zoras and Hylians are obviously different races, so we certainly have different genetic material. But Hylians evolved from sea life, as did Zoras. If you go far enough back in time, we may even have a common ancestor. We also both evolved into intelligent humanoids. Anyway, it turns out that Hylians and Zoras have a good deal of identical genetic material. At conception, the fertilized egg will contain a lot of common Zora/Hylian genetic material but also some Hylian only or Zora only material: but never both. We are not sure what triggers that initial stage. It may be random. But once started, the chemistry of the process ensures that only compatible genetic material from each parent is selected and reproduced. For example, suppose at conception, the baby starts to develop as a Zora. In that case, the chemistry works to select only genetic material from you that is identical to Zora material and reject any Hylian only material. And of course, vice-versa. Both races have enough identical genetic material so that the process works. When finished, the genetic makeup of the baby will be indistinguishable from pure Zora or pure Hylian. They would be 100% Zora or 100% Hylian as far as any genetic test can tell. So that's my understanding of how it works."

"Okay," said Link. "I won't pretend I understand all that, but your explanation is clear."

"And don't get confused between the race selection process and the sex selection process. We already discussed the sex selection process you'll remember."

"Yes," said Link. "Each child has a 50% chance of being a Zora girl, a 25% chance being a Zora boy, and a 25% chance of being a Hylian boy."

"Good. Now try to relax and stop worrying," said Mipha. "You're getting yourself unnecessarily stressed."

"Alright, do you feel up to taking a walk?"

"Some exercise would be good right now, but I was thinking more about a swim," said Mipha.

"Alright," said Link. "Anyplace in particular?"

"How about East Reservoir Lake," said Mipha.

They headed across the east bridge from the Domain and were soon on the northwest pier of the lake.

"I need some water time," said Mipha.

They both dove into the lake. The water was cold but refreshing. Link started swimming to the pier to the south-west. There were five piers in this lake, but the northwest one was the main one and contained a bed and occasionally some liquid refreshment.

Mipha was enjoying herself swimming around the lake and sometimes plunging to the bottom, then angling upward at high speed and jumping far out of the water before gracefully diving back in. Link was trying hard not to think about the eggs, but he promised he would stop stressing over them. Mipha seemed to know what she was doing.

Finally, she swam over to him and put her arms around his neck as they both floated together. He hugged her back and looked into her golden eyes. She was so beautiful and irresistible to him! She smiled at him as if reading his mind, and they kissed. Then they kissed again, a longer and more passionate one.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are and how much I love you," said Link.

"Once or twice," said Mipha. "But I don't mind you repeating yourself. Want to head to shore? I'll pull you in."

"Okay," said Link.

She held onto him with one arm, then swam for shore, and soon arrived at the pier. It was late afternoon, and aside from a few ducks, they had the lake to themselves. They lay down together in each other's arms on the bed as they looked out over the lake and the blue cliffs surrounding it. The sun was sinking lower behind them and casting shadows across the pier, but the crystal blue cliffs still reflected the sunlight.

"I guess you don't remember the times we came here together," said Mipha. "But I do."

"I remember one time at least," said Link thinking back to his Timeshift Stone visit.

"When we were younger, we sometimes came here to play in the water. I know you don't remember, but I helped you learn to swim. That wasn't easy for me since I was still young and had to adjust my thinking to how Hylians move in the water. But you managed to learn. Later, when we were older, we came here to be alone together. Here and Veiled Falls were two of our favorite spots. After you became Zelda's knight, you used to visit me here when you could get time off. I was busy training with Vah Ruta then, but loved it when you could spend time with me here," said Mipha.

"And I love it when you reminisce with me," said Link. "Imagining what you're saying makes me feel as if I can remember."

"Maybe someday your memory will return," said Mipha. "But we have plenty of future to think about now."

She leaned over, and they kissed. They kept kissing, and Mipha pulled him over to her. She nibbled his ear gently and whispered, "Don't ask me if this is okay - it is." Then they made love together. Afterward, they relaxed in each other's arms.

"Let's have a quick swim and then head home," said Mipha.

They both dove into the water and swam around for a bit, then climbed out and headed home holding hands.

"That was a nice 'walk,'" Mipha teased him. "See? I always have better ideas."

"You do indeed," said Link. "And I'm glad you do."

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