Chapter 95 - Beginning a New Life

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Summary: Tila and Link conclude their honeymoon at Coral Cove and return to Hyrule Castle as Link resumes Royal Guard duty. Midon and Larena spend a romantic weekend at Lake Hylia, and Midon tests his proximity alert process. Astra concludes her weeklong visit to Zora's Domain. Sopha has a close call but escapes notice and continues to bide her time.

It was a warm, sunny mid-morning in North Hyrule as Tila and Link strolled along the beach holding hands, their feet barely covered by the blue-green water at the furthest reach of the incoming waves. An occasional crab would scurry away as they approached, and the cries of nearby sea birds hunting for food filled the air along with the intermittent sound of breaking waves. The waves were quite strong along this portion of the shoreline, and large breakers rose up, curled over on themselves, and then crashed onto the sand, the water rushing inland with just enough force to barely reach where the two of them chose to walk.

Link was staring out to sea, admiring the waves, then looked over at Tila. Sensing his movement, she turned to him and smiled. She had the sweetest smile in all of Hyrule, thought Link. It could melt hearts in an instant, especially his. Maybe sweet wasn't quite the right word, though. There was a subtlety about her smile, a hint of flirtation that teased you, suggesting she could be a lot more than sweet if she wanted to. And he could vouch for that personally now.

As Tila returned his gaze, she thought how much Link was turning out to be the wonderful husband she expected he would. He was a passionate lover and a kind and considerate person who cared about her feelings. And he looked so cute with his athletic build, soft blue eyes and blond hair gently blowing in the breeze.

"Is it fair to say you enjoy it here?" said Tila, finally breaking the silence.

"I do!" said Link. "I can't think of a happier time in my entire life!"

"I'm so glad!" said Tila as she squeezed his hand. "I know your land is beautiful, and your Domain is truly magnificent. But we have beautiful locations here too, and I wanted you to see some of them with me."

"And I'm glad we did," said Link. "If it turns out we wind up living here it's nice to know. But I wasn't talking about the scenery, darling. You, you're what made being here so happy for me."

"So sweet," laughed Tila. "But I expect to make you happy at Hyrule Castle too, so that cancels out. Sorry to sound mathematical."

"And I hope I make you just as happy too," laughed Link. "Feel free to be mathematical. I know you're quite gifted in it."

"I love being on our honeymoon, but I'm also excited about starting our life together," said Tila letting go of his hand and putting her arm around him. "I like falling asleep and waking up with you, seeing your cute smile, and feeling your arms around me. I missed you so much between visits, and I couldn't wait for weekends when we could be together again. My sisters used to tease me about how my mood changed. But now I have you every day, and I never want to let you go!"

"I hate to keep repeating back what you told me, but I feel the same way," said Link. "I was glad when I was busy during the week so that the time between your visits would go faster. And to say I'm happy now is such an understatement. I can't find words to express how I feel being with you, and how much I love you. The fact you came into my life at all is still nothing short of a miracle to me. Not too long ago, we didn't even know your land existed, and now I'm married to a beautiful princess of this realm and the most wonderful person I could ever hope to be with. I'm the one who never wants to let you go."

Tila pulled him closer, and they kissed.

"How about a swim?" said Tila. "The waves are fun here. But are they too strong for you, sweetheart? I know swimming in the surf is new to you. I'll help you if you want."

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