Chapter 96 - Helping Out

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Summary: After solving a problem for Lapha, Tila is invited to join Dr. Purah's staff and help with mathematics instruction, but overextends herself at first. Urbosa's illness makes a thirtieth victory celebration reunion unlikely.

It was a chilly but sunny late morning as Tila strolled about Castle Town looking at the shops. Link was unable to meet her for lunch today, so she was on her own. On her own except for a pair of Royal Guard soldiers who followed her a short distance away. Princess Zelda had instructed the Commander of the Guards to make sure Tila was well protected. Zelda did not want any chance of a repeat occurrence of the unpleasant incident that had resulted in Link sending three guards who insulted Tila to the infirmary. As a result, Faray had agreed to no longer provide Zora guards for Tila. As Tila approached the central square, she noticed Lapha sitting alone by the fountain busy using a stylus with her Tab, apparently working on something. Tila approached her, waited for Lapha to look up, and when she finally did so, Tila greeted her.

"Hello, Lapha," said Tila. "It's a nice surprise to see you. I hope you're well."

"Oh! Tila, hello," said Lapha standing up. "Yes, I'm fine, and I hope you are too. Are you enjoying living here?"

"Yes, it's fun," said Tila. "I'm pretty familiar with Castle Town from all my weekend visits. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No, not at all," said Lapha. "I was just going over my notes. It's lunchtime anyway. Would you care to join me for lunch? Or do you have other plans?"

"No, I would be delighted," said Tila. "I usually meet Link for lunch, but he's busy today with some Royal Guard meetings. Do you have a place you prefer?"

"I'm partial to the Crab Castle if that's okay with you?" said Lapha.

"I love crabs!" said Tila. "Crab Castle it is!"

They walked the short distance to the Crab Castle, were seated at once, and placed a large order of two types of crabs to share.

"Lapha, I've been friends with Mila for a long time, but I would like to get to know you and the rest of Link's family better," said Tila. "I know you and Link were quite close growing up, and he often speaks of how much you helped him. I hope we can be as sisters to each other."

"That's very kind of you, Tila, and yes, you're right," said Lapha. "We should get to know each other better. I'm sorry I haven't been as sociable as I should have been with you, but I promise to do better. You are family now, and I know my brother is thrilled to be with you. I can read it in his eyes."

"I'm glad," said Tila as she smiled at her. "And I will do my best as well. We hope to visit your domain next weekend."

The waiter served the crabs, and they began to eat.

"Very tasty!" said Tila as she bit into one of the crabs.

After swallowing, Tila spoke up again.

"Lapha, may I ask what the issue was that put me under suspicion?" said Tila.

After swallowing a bite of crab herself, Lapha answered her.

"I don't mind telling you now," said Lapha. "Someone used the Shrine of Transformation, but the log file was corrupted. Once we determined the event occurred during the month you spent in our Domain with Mila, we knew you weren't involved. I hope you weren't offended by what happened."

"No, I understand," said Tila. "It never bothered me because I knew I was innocent of any wrongdoing. But that is very strange, I agree. That must have occurred when Sopha was our queen. I'm sorry, but I was not in a position to know about such matters back then, and Sopha tended to be very private. I don't know what could have happened. Have you asked Faray?"

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