Chapter 4 - Test Day

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Summary: Link finally takes the Zora citizenship test.

"I think you should come to bed now and get some rest," said Mipha.

The Zora citizenship test was tomorrow, and Link was trying to squeeze in some last-minute review.

"You're probably right. I've really done my best to prepare for this. But I'm more nervous than when I was in the Academy," said Link.

"I think you'll do fine. Come here and try to relax. It's times like this I wish I could heal nervousness."

He joined her in the water and almost immediately felt better. The water felt so soothing. He leaned over and kissed her. She stroked his hair and pulled him close. They wrapped their arms around each other.

"Let's save your energy for tomorrow," said Mipha.

He felt so comfortable in her arms. That and the soothing feel of the water soon made his eyelids heavy. He drifted off to sleep. The next thing he remembered was Mipha kissing him lightly on the cheek the next morning. "It's time to get up and get ready," she said. He stretched out his arms.

"Okay. I do feel much better. The rest really helped," said Link.

They ate a light breakfast, and then it was time to go.

"I'll walk you over to the exam room," said Mipha.

The exam would be given in a room near the throne room. They walked there together, then Mipha gave him a last kiss. "Good luck," she said. "Don't be nervous."

"Thanks," said Link. He walked into the exam room. He didn't recognize the examiner, but he was greeted warmly. The exam was partly written and partly oral and covered Zora history, geography, customs, and governmental structure. They got started at once. He felt nervous at the start, but he thought the first few questions were deliberately easier to ease into things, and he started to settle down then. After two hours, the test was over.

"We'll let you know the results by letter by the end of the day," the examiner told him.

He left the exam room feeling pretty good about his chances. Mipha was waiting outside. She looked more nervous than he had been.

"How did you do?" she asked.

"I think I did okay. I certainly didn't get every question right, but I feel pretty good."

Mipha let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad to hear that. I feel a lot better."

"Let's get some lunch," said Link. "I'm starving."

They decided to have lunch in the city square. There was a pot there for use, and they bought some fish from the market, then cooked and ate it sitting on a bench.

"So, seriously, how hard was the exam?" Mipha asked.

"It was challenging but fair, I thought," said Link. "I'm glad I studied as much as I did. They covered all the subject matter pretty thoroughly. Once the exam started, the time seemed to go by quickly."

After lunch, they walked around the Domain for an hour, then headed home. He knew the exam result would be delivered to their home, and he didn't want to miss it.

They didn't want to obsess over the exam results. But once home, without any distractions, it was hard to think of anything else. The time passed slowly.

"Mipha, I think I passed, but what happens if I failed the test?" asked Link.

"I don't like to think about that," said Mipha. "You would be allowed to take the test again in one year. But if you do fail, maybe the lesson to learn is to spend more time studying and less time flirting with old girlfriends."

"Oh, please!" said Link. "Can you ever forgive me and move on from that? I did put in a lot of time studying, and I think I did okay. But waiting for the results is just making me nervous all over again."

Finally, a messenger arrived with a delivery for Link. He took the envelope, thanked the delivery person, and sat down next to Mipha.

"Well, this is it," Link said, holding the envelope. He took a deep breath. Then he stared at the envelope again, lost in thought.

"The suspense is killing me," said Mipha. "If you don't open that letter this instant, I am going to tear it out of your hands!"

His hands were shaking slightly as he opened the envelope and took out the letter.

The letter began, "Congratulations! You have successfully completed the requirements of the Zora Citizenship Examination."

He passed! Mipha jumped into his arms and hugged him before he could read any further.

"I am so happy and proud of you!" she said. They hugged each other.

Link caught his breath. "Let me finish reading the rest of the letter," he said. The letter went on to say that the next step was to take the oath of citizenship. This could be administered by a judicial official or a member of the royal family but required a witness.

"Come on, let's do this right away," said Mipha. "Father can administer the oath, and I can be a witness."

They walked over to the throne room and found King Dorephan would be finished with his meeting in a few minutes. When he was free, Mipha rushed in.

"Father, Link passed the citizenship test! Would you be willing to administer the oath?"

"Congratulations Link!" said King Dorephan. "I would be delighted. But let's have Sidon join us for this special family moment."

King Dorephan asked one of the attendants to get Prince Sidon. Soon Sidon arrived and went over to Mipha's side.

Mipha took Sidon's hand and said, "Now Sidon, please behave. This is a very important ceremony. Link is going to become a Zora citizen."

"Will that help him swim better?" asked Sidon.

"No. Now please be quiet so we can proceed with the ceremony," said Mipha.

"Link, if you would stand over here and repeat after me," said King Dorephan.

"I declare on oath and before Nayru my loyalty and allegiance to the Zora Royal Family and the Zora Kingdom. I will faithfully obey its laws as a loyal subject and defend it to the best of my ability. I take this oath freely and willingly."

He repeated the oath. Then King Dorephan said," As Zora King, I hereby declare you a Zora citizen, with all its rights and obligations. Congratulations!"

Link bent down on one knee and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I'm grateful and honored and will do my best to live up to my obligations."

As he rose to his feet, Mipha and Sidon rushed over to hug him.

"This is such a happy moment for me Link," said Mipha.

"Does Link have to kneel to you now?" Sidon asked Mipha.

"Only if I'm mad at him," she said, laughing. "But no, only for the King or Queen and then only in formal circumstances, Sidon."

"I'm so happy to be a full-fledged citizen now," said Link. "And so happy to be done studying!"

It was a good way to end the day.

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