Chapter 91 - He's Getting Married?

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Summary: Young Link returns home from North Hyrule after Tila accepts his marriage proposal.

"Welcome home, sweetheart!" said Mipha as she gave her son Link a hug and kiss.

"Yes, and congratulations," said Link. "Mom and I are both happy for you."

It was late morning in Zora's Domain, and young Link had just arrived from North Hyrule on the last day of the weekend. Tila had accepted his marriage proposal the day before, and Link planned to report back to Hyrule Castle tomorrow.

"Hi Mom & Dad, and thank you!" said young Link giving them each a hug. "I'm thrilled, but especially so knowing you both support me. Are the others out?"

"Yes, but they'll be home for dinner. Lapha is with her friends at Ruto Lake, and the other two are probably with Kendal and Larena. But they are all happy for you if just a little shocked at the suddenness. And you shouldn't be surprised if you get a little teasing, especially from your brother. You know how he is," said Mipha.

"Yes, I do," laughed young Link. "Midon likes to play the clown sometimes. But he has a serious side, and I had a much-needed talk with him during the summer we were together at Hyrule Castle. He helped me swim back to the current on how I fit in here."

"What do you mean 'fit in here'?" said Link. "You mean 'fit in with our family'?"

"Yes, I was going through a period when I felt a bit depressed," said Link. "It was around the time you were a Zora, Dad, and I thought maybe everyone in the family, especially Mom, would have been happier if I was a Zora too. But Midon explained how untrue all that was. I shouldn't have even mentioned it now. I only meant it as an example of how considerate a big brother Midon has been to me ever since I was a kid in school being picked on by a bully. So, I can take his teasing. I know we love each other."

"Come here, sweetheart," said Mipha to young Link.

Mipha reached out and held him in her arms.

"My little boy, my darling little boy, it saddens me to hear you say that. I hope you know how untrue that feeling you had was, that I ever wished you were anything but what you are," said Mipha as she held him close. "I view each of my children as a blessing, and I love you just as much as I do your brother and sisters. If anything, I spent more time with you as a baby. You were so cute and cuddly and needed more care and attention than them. I rocked you in my arms at the same age that the others were swimming on their own. I gave you so much attention that I sometimes wondered if the others thought I wished they were Hylians! But you are all my beautiful children, and I love all of you from the bottom of my heart. That will never change, and I hope you never forget it."

"I know that now, Mom, and I won't forget," said Link kissing her. "Midon reminded me how much affection you gave me. I'm sorry I even mentioned it."

Mipha released him from her hug.

"And remember that when you and Tila have children," said Link. "You will find you love your children no matter what race they turn out."

"Children," said young Link. "That seems so unreal to me now. But I guess you're right. Anyway, it feels good to be home after all the traveling."

"Now come, sit with me, and tell me everything that happened this past week, including how things went with Tila in North Hyrule," said Mipha.

Young Link blushed.

"You can leave some parts out, sweetheart," laughed Mipha. "Believe it or not, your father and I were your age once too."

"Okay, Mom," laughed Link.

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