Chapter 130 - Underground Passages

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Summary: Life goes on as the Hyrule Royal Family has some good news and renegade Sheikah explore some ancient Zonai structures.

It was a sunny early afternoon in Zora's Domain as Tila, and her husband Link ate lunch at the house by Mikau Lake they shared with the rest of the family. Mipha and Link had taken their granddaughter Tara swimming at Veiled Falls earlier that morning, and they had still not returned, so Tara's parents were alone together.

"If you think your sister spoils Tara, my parents are even worse," said Link as he took his last bite of broiled fish, then cleaned up and returned, putting his arm around Tila.

"A little spoiling is fine for her," said Tila. "Your parents are wonderful people, and they know about raising children. You turned out okay, more or less."

"More or less?" Link laughed. "What's the less part? For that matter, what's the more part? Maybe I should hear the good news first."

"You know I'm teasing you, sweetheart," said Tila as she kissed him gently on the cheek. "I wouldn't change a thing about you."

Just then, Midon returned.

"Hey, guys!" Midon said as he sat down. "Tila, did I hear you say you wouldn't change a thing about Linky here? Well, they do say love is blind."

"Very funny, Mido," said Link. "And what would you change? '

"I'm joking, of course, since Mila isn't here to scold me for my ill sense of humor," laughed Midon. "Maybe you could have been a little less shy growing up. Laff was always taking you under her fin. But I can understand why she did that, especially when you two played in the water with friends. Anyway, everything turned out fine, Linky. As I said, I was joking."

"I can see your point, though," said Link. "Laff did help me develop more self-confidence. But Tila helped me the most. Speaking of Mila, where is she?"

"Off with Kendal again today," said Midon. "They're making up for the lost time while he was on double guard duty. Mila teaches again tomorrow, though."

"Why aren't you with Larena today, Midon?" asked Tila. "Are you working?"

"No, I'm off today. But Larena went with her younger sister Karena to Castle Town," said Midon. "Karena is thinking of working on technology there. Can you believe Karena graduated already? I remember helping Larena baby swim Karena at East Reservoir Lake. Karena used to get all excited about the big elephant there. Gee, everyone's growing up!"

"Everyone except you, Mila would say," laughed Linky.

"True," laughed Midon.

Meanwhile, it was warm and sunny as Tara, Mipha, and Link sat together under a tree by Veiled Falls. Tara yawned and reached out for Mipha, who picked her up and put her on her lap.

"Are you tired, sweetheart?" said Mipha. "You've been a busy Bass this morning, swimming so much. Here, rest your head on my shoulder."

Tara did as Mipha suggested, wrapping her arms around Mipha's neck and closing her eyes. Mipha patted her gently as she hummed a soft Zora lullaby, and after a few minutes, Tara was fast asleep. Mipha looked over at Link and smiled, and he smiled back. Then Link yawned. They had spent most of the morning swimming with Tara at Veiled Falls, including some waterfall races.

"You look like you could use a nap too," said Mipha quietly.

"Can I have your other shoulder?"

"It wouldn't be the first time, would it?" Mipha smiled as Link kissed her on the cheek then rested his head on her shoulder.

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