Chapter 179 - More Conversations

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Summary: A chapter of conversations. Mipha and Link meet Zelda for lunch, and Link shares an experience with Astra. Finally, link backfills his journal with what happened on the second day of their engagement.

The light was dim, and Link's first waking sensation was an odd echoing sound, like the rapid tapping of something against a hollow vessel. He stirred and opened his eyes, and the explanation for the noise became clear. He was floating feet down with his head above water inside the enormous dome at the rear of Divine Beast Vah Ruta, and heavy rain was falling outside, beating against the structure.

Mipha was floating beside him and still fast asleep. It was rare for Mipha to sleep later than him, so he took time to admire her at rest. She looked content and at peace, her sleep untroubled. And she looked as cute as ever too - practically the same as the day they married. Mipha was taller now, of course, which was normal Zora growth. She was only the Zora equivalent of a teenager when they married and had not completed her growth spurt by then.

Link recalled last night when she had Ruta raise the water level to the depth of a slumber pool after they came inside. One enjoyable aspect of floating together in the water was that they were eye-to-eye once again. And lips to lips. Last night had been fantastic: the jolting sensations of passionate pleasure mixed with the tender emotions of deeply felt love.

He smiled. Mipha really was amazing! There was much more to her than you would ever suspect if you didn't get to know her. She had hidden depths, he had told her once, and she had laughed at the rare Hylian expression that could apply to water. Then she had told him so did he - which was true too.

The rumble of thunder pulled Link's thoughts back to the present. It was hard to judge the time of day. It was daytime, but the storm outside darkened the sky. After several more minutes, Mipha stirred and opened her eyes to see Link looking at her.

"Hi, sweetheart," said Mipha as she reached out to caress his cheek, and then they kissed. "Did I sleep late, or are you up early?"

"I don't know," Link laughed. "I was too lazy to check my Tab. I loved last night, by the way."

"I loved it too," said Mipha. "Maybe all that time on the virtual sea affected us. Or me at least."

"Maybe," said Link. "Or for me, maybe it's just that you're so irresistibly cute, with that charming smile of yours."

"So sweet," said Mipha, as she brushed some hair back from his face.

"Is my hair getting too long?"

"No, it looks cute like this," said Mipha as she fluffed it a little. "I like it long in the back. It reminds me of a tail fin."

"Whatever!" laughed Link.

Then Link checked his Tab and noticed it was about the right time to get up. There was also a message from Queen Zelda.

"Zelda is inviting us to lunch. She wants to hear all about our adventure in the simulation," said Link. "Do you want to go?"

"Sure, we can go," said Mipha. "I always enjoy those visits. Will you answer her?"

"All in good time," said Link as Mipha ordered Ruta to drain the water to a shallower level. "She said she doesn't need much notice, and it can wait until we're ready."

"It's nice seeing you more in control dealing with her," said Mipha. "I still get annoyed when I think back to the days she mistreated you and wished you to leave her alone."

"It was my duty, and I was still a young knight, intimidated by royalty," laughed Link. "You intimidated me too, by the way."

"Don't I know it!" laughed Mipha. "It took forever to get you to call me by name instead of Princess. But we should get home. If I know Mila, she won't relax until she sees us in person."

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