Chapter 119 - Preparations

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Summary: Hyrule begins searching for ways to combat a new foe before it's too late.

It was mid-morning in North Hyrule, and Sheikah leader Saldon had just arrived to meet with Queen Faray at their Domain. It had been a pleasant walk there along the riverbank, the sun shining, and the temperature mild. The Zora guards knew him, and he registered on their Tabs as precisely who he was. Security in North Hyrule was efficient and foolproof now. A guard escorted him to the throne room at once.

"Good morning Queen Faray," said Saldon. "You wished to see me?"

"Yes, Master Saldon, it's good to see you again, and thank you for coming so promptly," said Faray. "May I offer you some hot tea? It's harvested, not rune made, and quite good."

"Sounds delicious! Yes, that would be nice, thank you," said Saldon.

Faray poured him and herself a cup of tea from the nearby pot.

"Now, please follow me. We need to meet in a private room," said Faray.

Saldon followed Faray to a small room that was kept locked and under guard. Upon entering, Faray closed the door behind them.

"Please be seated," said Faray.

"Thank you," said Saldon looking around. "I don't believe I've ever been here before."

"No, I imagine not," said Faray. "It's a soundproof room my sister Sopha had built for when she did not wish to be overheard. Sadly, that was almost all the time. Now, I am going to share some information with you, Master Saldon, that must be kept strictly confidential. I realize you may need to involve others, but they must be sworn to secrecy as well."

"I give you my word, Queen Faray, as a Sheikah and your loyal subject," said Saldon.

Faray took a sip of tea, then put the cup down.

"The recent announcement about Hyrule Princess Mipha's accidental death is untrue. She is still alive," said Faray.

"That is wonderful news!" said Saldon. "But why the deception?"

"I'm getting to that," said Faray. "What is true is that Princess Mipha nearly succumbed to a Shock Arrow attack. More importantly, the evidence suggests that the attack was at the hands of an invisible assailant. The inevitable conclusion is that your scientist Grendon was working on how to render objects invisible. We need you to find out how he accomplished this, and what we can do about it, but without drawing attention to your investigation."

"Indeed, that is quite interesting," said Saldon taking a sip of tea. He paused for a moment to swallow his drink and think.

"We have known in theory that such a thing is possible by cleverly bending light," said Saldon. "But producing materials or an ancient energy field to do so would be quite challenging, and likely expensive, too. If that was what Grendon was working on, I can see why he would turn to someone who agreed to fund his research. And he was unworldly enough not to appreciate the danger, the advantage that this capability would give to an adversary. He doubtless viewed it as an intellectual challenge."

"So, we need to find a way to neutralize that advantage," said Faray. "We are part of Hyrule now, and this looks to be our fault. We need to help protect them."

"And protect ourselves?" Saldon asked.

"Perhaps," said Faray after sipping her tea. "But I think the threat is more to Hyrule proper. Our full defensive capabilities are a bit of a mystery to outsiders, are they not? To attack us would be quite risky, invisible, or not. You know what I mean."

"Yes, that's true," said Saldon. "And I know very well what you mean. Will you ever share that information with them, the Hyruleans?"

"Perhaps in time," said Faray." It can't help them anyway, though. They were designed to only work here, thank Nayru, or my sister would have run amok. But we are swimming away from the current. We need to concentrate on combating this threat to Hyrule."

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