Chapter 89 - Growing Closer

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Summary: Tila and young Link have a dinner date at Castle Town and consider their future together. Mipha and Link journey to Hyrule Castle and Link takes Astra sailing on the Hylia River. Link deflects some uncomfortable questions about what happened at the East Gerudo Ruins. Midon and Larena spend time together at Spool Bight. Lapha begins a journey to study the Shrine Of Transformation in North Hyrule, and Mila accompanies Lapha to gather more information for her history book. Tila shares what she hopes will be good news with her sisters.

"That is a horrible story!" said Tila taking young Link by the arm. "I'm so relieved you weren't hurt!"

It was the weekend after the events at the East Gerudo Ruins, and Link had been telling Tila what had happened as they walked together in Castle Town looking for a restaurant to have dinner. Tila was making one of her frequent weekend visits whenever Link had time off.

"I'm sure that sorceress could have hurt us if she wanted to," said Link. "We were pretty helpless. But she wanted to deal with my Dad, and we were just the bait to lure him there."

"It was courageous of you to defend the Princess, to stand between her and that evil creature," said Tila.

"It's my duty," said Link. "It's what I'm supposed to do."

"I know, but it still takes courage to do it," said Tila. "And who knew such evil things still existed in your land? It makes me worry about you living here and how dangerous your job is."

"Thank you," said Link. "But I don't think it is that unsafe. You never know where evil can arise. After all, your land was the source of that Vera creature. But something bothers me, and I'm sure it will be apparent from my report. I expect there will be questions asked."

"Why, what is it?" said Tila.

"That creature was quite powerful, Tila. But after my Dad arrived, he disappeared for a moment, and it seemed only moments later that he reappeared and said the witch was gone. I mean, I know my Dad is good, very capable with the sword that seals the darkness, but that seems a little too good to be true. How could he destroy a powerful witch so quickly, and a witch who was expecting him no less? I don't understand it. And since the incident affected her daughter, I'm sure Her Majesty will read my report, and she won't understand it either."

"Did you ask your father about it?" said Tila.

"I Tabbed him, and he said it was complicated and not something he could discuss," said Link. "I'll ask him again when I see him in person. As you know, I was supposed to go home this weekend, but my parents decided they would come here instead. When he was here last week, my Dad promised to take my cousin Astra sailing this weekend. That's the first time he has taken Astra sailing two weeks in a row. And I also want to ask him about that jewelry store saleswoman and what she was talking about. Lately, there have been some mysterious happenings involving my Dad."

"When will you see your parents?" said Tila.

"They'll be here tomorrow," said Link. "You said you had to leave first thing tomorrow morning? I wish you could stay longer. I think about you all week, and I can't wait to see you on weekends."

"That's so sweet," said Tila as she squeezed his hand. "I think about you too. Why do you think I visit every chance I can? But my sister needs me back for some council meeting. Let's find a place to eat so we can have some time alone together afterward."

As they walked toward the southern end of Castle Town, Tila noticed something new.

"This looks like a new seafood restaurant," said Tila. "Want to try it?"

"Sure," said Link. "It must have just recently opened. 'Akkala Fish House,' huh?"

The restaurant was quite busy, and it looked like there would be a wait for a table. The proprietor, a Zora, approached them to apologize for the delay when he recognized Tila.

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