Chapter 112 - Princess Tara

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Summary: The Sheikah in North Hyrule search for clues about their missing scientist's research. Tila and young Link have a baby Zora girl they name Tara.

In the North Hyrule Sheikah settlement, Scientist Apprentice Aldora ate breakfast, feeling somewhat depressed. Not only had her personal life taken a turn for the worse, but she feared her advisor's disappearance was a cause for more significant concern.

She had been an excellent student at the academy and graduated near the top of her class. She had every reason to look forward to a satisfying career as a respected scientist, someone capable of advancing Sheikah technology and knowledge. And at the time, being assigned as Master Grendon's apprentice had looked promising as well, since she had seen his name mentioned as a respected researcher several times in the course of her studies.

But now her career was on indefinite hold. She needed to finish her apprenticeship before she could move on. And what was Grendon researching? How worried should they all be?

Aldora had finished her meal when her Tab alerted her to a message. It was a request by the Sheikah Chief, Saldon, to meet with her, and so she hastened at once to see him.

"You wished to see me, Master Saldon," said Aldora when she arrived.

"Yes," said Saldon. "With Grendon gone, you need an advisor to serve out the remainder of your apprenticeship. If you are willing, Aldora, I would be pleased to take you on as my apprentice."

"I am deeply honored, Master Saldon," said Aldora bowing her head.

"I feel bad for what happened to you and wish to make amends if I can," said Saldon. "And I would like your help to search for clues as to what Grendon was doing. I will alert everyone that you will be investigating and collecting information. Anyone having dealings with Grendon should contact you and share what they know. Find out where Grendon went, whom he spoke to, what he said, anything you can about his activities. I would like you to report to me whenever you learn something significant and weekly in any case."

"Very well, Master," said Aldora. "I will do just as you say."

"I do not know Grendon well," said Saldon. "But my impression of him is that he is a very dedicated researcher. His leanings were definitely toward the academic. And, sadly, I think he may be very trusting, perhaps even gullible. Living here without enemies may have made him complacent and naive. I could see someone with evil intent deceiving Grendon."

"But who would have evil intent these days, Master?" said Aldora. "We have been at peace for many years."

"I do not know," said Saldon. "But we should not be naive. Evil always manages to take root somewhere, no matter how many times we pull up its weed. You no doubt heard of our former Queen Sopha's misdeeds with the Shrine of Transformation."

"Yes, sadly, I did. That too reflected badly on us, as one of us must have assisted Queen Sopha, though perhaps unaware of her intentions. I will find out all I can, Master," said Aldora. "Thank you for having confidence in me."

Aldora left, feeling excited. To serve as an apprentice to the Chief was quite an honor, though she realized it was only due to the unusual circumstances of her real advisor disappearing. She had already learned that Grendon's Tab had been wiped clean, so there were no clues there, though it wouldn't hurt to check if any record of his messages survived. She sent a text message to that effect to their network administrator. She would also have to wait for people to contact her, but in the meantime, she could start speaking to people she thought Grendon might have consulted. She knew he sometimes ate lunch with Master Mandon, and so she would start with him.

After a brief Tab exchange, Mandon agreed to meet her in his office at the academy.

As Aldora made her way to the academy, she stared at the building. She had fond memories of her years living and studying there. She had made some good friends during that time and enjoyed the pursuit of knowledge that everyone shared as a common goal. Not that it wasn't hard work, but it was work she loved.

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